California slashes supplies to water agencies amid record drought – IOTW Report

California slashes supplies to water agencies amid record drought

CNBC: California water officials on Friday said they are slashing State Water Project allocations from 15% to 5% of normal for certain urban water consumers and farmers, as the state grapples with a third consecutive year of drought.

Water agencies serving roughly 27 million people and 750,000 acres of farmland will receive less water than they requested for this year from state reservoirs amid declining reservoir levels and reduced snowpack.

State officials originally announced a 15% allocation in January after hopes that a wet December would mitigate drought conditions. However, the state is set to experience the driest period on record from January to March in at least a century.

“We are experiencing climate change whiplash in real time with extreme swings between wet and dry conditions,” Department of Water Resources Director Karla Nemeth said in a statement. “That means adjusting quickly based on the data and the science.” more

11 Comments on California slashes supplies to water agencies amid record drought

  1. “…the science…”

    …these two words indicate that you are being lied to about something in order to control you.

    I’m sure CA has water issues. I don’t live there so I don’t know, but people who do tell me it’s so.

    …but if the last two years have taught us nothing else, they only use “the science” when they are going to screw us, either with incompetence, malice, or both…

  2. SNS, “climate change whiplash” pegs the bullshitometer, too.

    I don’t know if the Sierra Nevada snow pack was really thin this year or if it was pissed away into the Pacific by mismanagement, but a year from now, they’ll probably be wailing about floods and mudslides as the climate whiplashes them another stripe.

  3. “Never attribute to incompetence what is obviously malice.” (someone)
    Or to “unintended” consequences.
    Or co-incidence.

    Political acts take place in the full knowledge of the “Ways and Means” and with the aims of the politicians. The days of Representative Democracy are gone. We are infested with evil, malicious, pernicious, mendacious, prevaricating, lying, grifting, thieving, degenerate, grasping opportunists who have supported, and continue to support, killing our children and subjecting us to Mini-Mengele’s (Gellar’s term) horrific experimentations.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  4. California’s water problems are largely self-imposed. Desalinization plant that could provide lots of water? Scrapped (but they have money for the choo-choo). Millions of gallons of water dumped into the bay to protect the delta smelt every year.

    Cry me a river, California.

  5. @SNS: I live in an area that has one of the world’s largest earthen dams. The lake is no where near full and hasn’t been since the spillway blew up. We do not get our drinking water from this lake. We have plenty of water here to fulfill our community needs. However, I’m expecting water rationing this year. My landscaping is all natural, others are going to have a hard time. Why do people plant palm trees and lawns in a rural desert type setting? What the deer don’t eat, no water will kill it. Newbies.

  6. Add in the impending “food crisis”, wildfires, energy prices, illegal invasion, sanctuary cities and who knows what else and it looks like the paradise called California is going to become a 4th world shithole.

  7. When Oroville Dam was filled to capacity 3 years ago, now reduced to a trickle, and at least SOME good snowpack in the Sierra’s, I call gross mismanagement, or even deliberate sabotage.

  8. I live in close proximity to Folsom Lake. It was near full pool 6 weeks ago. And then they drained it. Nothing new. They pull this shit all the time. But it’s a bitch when you don’t get the monsoonal rain they prepare for in the spring. It leaves every one high and dry. Fucking stupid people running this shit show.
    NorCal has ALL the water. I say we cut SoCal off until they grow some brains.


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