California Struggling With Collapse of Enrollment at Community Colleges – IOTW Report

California Struggling With Collapse of Enrollment at Community Colleges

Gavin Newsom wants to throw more money at the problem because that’s all he knows how to do.

You mean, all those illegals he let in don’t want to go to college?

4 Comments on California Struggling With Collapse of Enrollment at Community Colleges

  1. My niece is an activities director at a community college. She brags that her students call her a high paid party planner. She’s one of those ultra liberals and her kid is confused as to what sex they are. She wants to be called by a male name instead of the female name she got at birth. I refused to call her what she wanted. My house my rules. I’m pretty sure the public school got her started in the wrong direction. My niece is a liberal and approves.

  2. My brother when he started community college back in the mid 70’s called our local comm. college Spokane Comm. College a high school with ash trays back when you could smoke on campus. There is nothing with comm. colleges if you want to learn a trade, beyond that they’re worthless at teaching nothing but the remedial basics.


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