California study: Attempted-suicide rate among men who had gender surgery was “twice as high” as it was before operation – IOTW Report

California study: Attempted-suicide rate among men who had gender surgery was “twice as high” as it was before operation

Not The Bee-

They call it “gender-affirming care” and tell us that not “affirming” gender identity is the equivalent of genocide.

“A living daughter is better than a dead son,” the doctors say to parents as they calculate their bill. MORE

11 Comments on California study: Attempted-suicide rate among men who had gender surgery was “twice as high” as it was before operation

  1. it’s more than that MBP. when it’s all the surgeries are completed they realize they are just as unhappy as they were before. the surgeries did nothing to affirm them. nothing. they also realize that no man wants them as their “wife” because they are not a woman. they realize that are just a living breathing oddity of nature. BANG!

  2. Stands to reason. Before mutilation one has the prospect of said ‘gender affirming’ mutilation. Subsequent to the formal mutilation there is no longer the prospect of a choice before the individual. The mutilation is a permanent one, and even if further mutilation is done to disguise the initial mutilation, there is absolutely no going back to an unmutilated state.

    Of course a portion of the mentally ill people who are so mutilated will commit suicide subsequent, they’re mentally ill.

  3. I hope one day to sit on a jury for a mentally ill man/woman who murdered their parents, doctors, teachers, counselors, etc for pushing them down the genital mutilation road. Not guilty regardless of the evidence.

  4. The suicide rate is higher after surgery because the trannies finally understand that they will, never, ever, EVER be women. Instead of giving them the mental health treatment they need for their delusions, doctors subject them to mutilating hormone treatments and surgeries that have severe, permanent, and debilitating consequences. Instead of a vagina, they end up with a smelly, festering wound lined with colon and filled with dick hair and smegma.

  5. It’s really hard for me to imagine the cruelty of confusing young kids into thinking they need a gender change. Worse yet, this government indoctrination of the doctors that do reassignment that conflicts with true healthcare. Luke 17:2 – It were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and he cast into the sea, than that he should offend one of these little ones.

  6. No surprise. People are unhappy and want to find a solution (No problem here). They get (false) acceptance and affirmation for the first time in their life from the trans community, who convince them the reason they’re unhappy is because they are trans. Now the person sets out on the wrong path to find happiness.

    They try changing their name and manner of dress. No help, “I must go further and then I’ll be happy” They think.

    Next they try hormones/hormone suppressants. It’s no help. “I must go further and then I’ll be happy” They think.

    Next thing is surgery. It’s no help. “I must go further and then I’ll be happy” They think.

    The only problem is, there is no place further to go. Add to that the realization that you have inalterably ruined your body and will never have any sort of sexual pleasure. Add even more pain when you would have to admit to others you permanently screwed up your body and entire life, and the psychological trauma becomes too much and suicide is the end result.


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