California Sued by Students & Parents for Failing to Teach Literacy – IOTW Report

California Sued by Students & Parents for Failing to Teach Literacy

CPR: A group of parents and students has filed what it hopes will be a landmark lawsuit against the State of California for its public schools failing to teach literacy.

Public Counsel and the prestigious Law Firm of Morrison & Foerster sued the State of California, the State Board of Education, the State Department of Education, and State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tom Torlakson for their collective failure to provide every child in the state access to literacy as required under the California Constitution.

The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles County Superior Court on behalf of parents of students at two Los Angeles schools and one Stockton school, alleges that it is an urgent civil rights crisis that California has the three worst-performing schools and 11 of the 26 worst-performing public school districts in the nation for the ability of students to read and write.

Based on California’s testing standards, the suit states that “under-performing schools throughout California have student bodies consistently achieving less than 10 percent, and frequently less than 5 percent, proficiency in core subjects like reading and math.” To put the crisis in perspective, only 8 children out of the 179 students tested at Los Angeles’ La Salle Elementary were found to be proficient by state standards.

A Los Angeles Unified School District report from an attendance task force found that 800,000 students, or about one out of every seven enrolled students, was “chronically absent” for at least 15 days per year and at risk of dropping out.  read more

16 Comments on California Sued by Students & Parents for Failing to Teach Literacy

  1. Frank Zappa was still living, when they wanted to name a school for him, since he was the Antelope Valley’s most famous person.
    He declined for reasons obvious to him and any semi-educated person at the time.

  2. California will throw more tax money at the problem, raising administrator and teacher salaries. Essentially rewarding continuing failure, at the same time give each student a trophy for their participation.

  3. I witnessed it myself in 1961. The family left Wa. State and I started 9th grade in Oxnard, Ca.
    My first day in math class found me dumb-struck as the teacher passed out paper and pencils and asked us students to write down the answers as he put a phonograph record on the player.
    It went like this; 3+5=, 4+3=, 9-6=.
    I actually refused to write down any answers as I felt it was so degrading.

  4. All my kids could read and write before they got to kindergarten, so there’s that. Besides, it’s kind of tough to teach reading and writing in California, when 70% of the classroom only speaks Spanish.

  5. And so we have to confront the “bystander effect” in modern education. How do we explain the “Common Core syndrome”? All those bureaucrats in the Department of Education, all those professors at Harvard’s Graduate School of Education, all those people in our media and foundations – they seem to have hearts made of stone. Likewise all the politicians who saw this evidence, all the community leaders, all the pundits on CNN. The decline and fall of our public schools is happening before our eyes. When you look at this little girl’s expression, you are witnessing that decline. Why don’t people demand that the Education Establishment stop encouraging this abuse?

    According to the Independent Journal Review, “When asked to address these concerns, National Education Association secretary Arne Duncan dismissed the objections as coming from ‘white suburban moms.’ What does race have to do with education? We would hope nothing. Jeb Bush, who was also an advocate of Common Core, characterized opposition to the specific set of vocational standards as ‘purely political.'”

    Clearly, these people are as tone-deaf as they are incompetent. On the good side, Duncan didn’t last much longer. Jeb’s campaign for president was doomed from the start.

    But guess who didn’t flinch. That would be the professors of education who devise this malarkey. The order apparently went out: Don’t let up. Keep the pressure on these yokels we have to deal with. We know from plenty of experience that nobody will complain.

    There’s an education war going on. It’s directed at the parents, keeping them off balance and powerless. It’s directed at the children, keeping them academically enfeebled.

    Do they have to be rendered innumerate and illiterate on the streets near your house? Two thirds of fourth-graders and eighth-graders are below proficient in math. We know that the country has more than 40 million functional illiterates. Isn’t that enough? It’s happening all around you, every day. It will go on happening until Americans make a lot more noise.

    Common Core’s central gimmick is to make children struggle with complex problems before they are ready. Force them to run before they can crawl – that’s the ticket. Some smart kids will survive. The not so smart kids will not learn arithmetic. They will learn to hate it.

    That’s worth screaming about.

  6. Schools don’t exist for children, they are just one of the most reliable cash spigots for every professional corruptocrat out there; contracts of every size, shape and kind, from teachers’ unions, construction companies, trade unions of every stripe, to the people who sell team sports uniforms and yearbooks. Oh, and don’t forget Planned Parenthood. Where else on the planet can you find such a locked-in group of people and their families to pay and pay and pay?


    💠 Any moron can get in the Dept. of Education on campus.
    💠 To apply, “essays” are graded very high so that “subjective” grading can occur. Read: minorities can be passed through.
    💠 SOME of the curriculum is useful: the psychology genre.
    💠 MOST of the classes are utter wastes of time and money they repeat what you learned in high school at a cost. “If a train travels from New York going 75MPH…..”
    💠 The PhD professors are affirmative action hires, women, homosexuals, the usual protected groups.
    💠 PhDs are DUMB AS HELL. They bolted out of teaching, got their PhD and now teach what they couldn’t.
    💠 Do you hack the mind so children know how to decipher reading, math, comprehension skills? NOPE! Your reading practicum is Social Justice Warrior books, and doing book reports on how you EMPATHIZE with the characters who are oppressed. –always the same subjects: The Holocaust, slavery, LGBT issues, women.
    💠 College students are hired BY THE TEACHER’S UNION.
    They have a naughty and nice list:
    -recommendations from liberal professors. (black lists)
    -high GPAs (given by liberal professors) are preferred. Those that fight back get lower grades, and “wink-wink” are non-conformists (Conservatives).
    -students that PAY DUES and join the student teacher’s union while in college are given priority.
    -it’s all rigged. If they don’t want you, they find the worst thing on your resume,and make that as the excuse.
    💠 Teacher certification program (1-2 years after graduation) is an utter joke. The classes are MORE S.J.W. readings, chatting, reflection papers, SJW volunteer work with reports how much you empathize with minorities etc.
    💠 Your student teaching is the most valuable. If you don’t apprentice with a complete FOOL (likely) you’ll be in the classroom actually learning how to teach.


    💠 District do “family swaps.” I can’t hire my daughter DIRECTLY (nepotism) but if you hire mine, I’ll hire yours. Rarely do you see a staff member with a son/daughter as a teacher, unemployed.
    💠 Schools don’t leave new teachers with cabinets full of ready-made lesson plans. The previous teacher takes them all home with her. The new teacher starts completely from scratch and makes things up as she goes along. No help.
    💠 Districts won’t pay for extra supplies. If you wanted to order a science kit with live micro-organisms, SCREW YOU. The teacher pays for it herself out of pocket.
    💠 Parent Teacher Organizations and other fund-raising operations GOES DIRECTLY TO MINORITY STUDENTS. They don’t pay for paper, notebooks, pencils, crayons like most people do at the beginning of the school year.
    💠 All school “Food Drives” or Christmas gift drives GOES TO BLACK KIDS. I’ve been asked to help pass out these things on the weekend, and that’s where we go: black churches, black neighborhoods, black area activists, black community centers. They then pass them out and get credit for it.
    💠 Schools rig the “Title 1” programs (% of minorities) so that they get additional funding from the Feds.
    💠 EVERY black kid gets free breakfast and lunch whether they are below the poverty line or not. They are registered as “needy” and the higher the # of students, the more $ comes in.
    💠 Transient black kids get TAXI RIDES to and from school at taxpayer expense, so that they don’t have to change schools every 6 weeks because mom got kicked out of public housing.
    💠 The Food Maker’s Union: cooks, packages, and delivers TOTAL CRAP food for students, union teachers hand it out, students throw it away, and union waste workers pick it up and dump it in the landfill. Taxpayers pay for it all. Doesn’t matter, everyone gets paid, and student get crap food. Who the hell cares.
    💠 Black students are labeled “L.D.” –Learning Disabled, so that, by default, their state and national test scores are not counted, and the school receives a higher GPA and Federal funding. Black students take the test, but are basically given the answers.
    💠 ZERO TOLERANCE policies are designed to punish white students. They bring an aspirin (drugs!) or a plastic knife (weapon!) to cut their apple at lunch, the staff punishes them. Black kids can pretty much do what they want because otherwise you’re a racist.
    💠 Black students are mentally insane.
    I read the “I.E.P.” –Individualized Education Program (Secret student-psychiatrist-principal behavior report) of one black girl, and she ABSOLUTELY should be institutionalized, but she was free to roam the school and terrorize other students. Instantaneous violent behavior, outbursts, threatening, attacks people with sharp objects etc. The school didn’t throw her in the nut-house because the district would have to pay for it, around $100,000/year. So they let her terrorize the staff and students. Better to move away than let your kid be injured in that system.
    💠 Students with violent IEP’s have a staff member follow them around ALL DAY LONG to assist them if needed. At $45,000/year + benefits.
    💠 Hispanic students have their own E.S.L. teacher….at another $45,000/year. They follow them around to classes and translate, and basically do their homework for them. Learn English on weekends in a giant lecture hall for all the district non-speaking Spanish students? Nope. (jobs for unions + dues paid to politicians)

    💠💠💠 So students can’t read can they? And parents are upset about it? HA! Teach your kids at home or move away.
    You’re NEVER going to revamp this corrupt and broken system from the university to the politicized school districts. Give it up.

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