California sued for forcing doctors to help suicides – IOTW Report

California sued for forcing doctors to help suicides

The lawsuit, filed last week by Alliance Defending Freedom and the Life Legal Defense Foundation, accuses the state of violating the First Amendment free speech and religious liberty rights of physicians by compelling them “to choose between abandoning their livelihoods or obeying government commands that violate their religious conscience and compel them to speak and act in ways that contravene their religious faith.” –Story

8 Comments on California sued for forcing doctors to help suicides

  1. “I was not born to be forced. I will breathe after my own fashion. Let us see who is the strongest.”

    ― Henry David Thoreau, On the Duty of Civil Disobedience

    THese cocksuckers are no less tyrannical than Henry VIII or Henry II. They were attempting to force Moore and Beckett respectively to violate their conscience. Which is EXACTLY why I contend that ALL progressives, every last one of them, are motivated by the same tyrannical bent. Anyone who denies that they don’t get their rocks off through the acts that the individuals they vote into office hasn’t been paying attention. Forcing a person to violate their conscience is the ultimate form of abuse and that is why it is so attractive to these followers of Satan. Everyone who supports the progressive movement is living out vicariously the acts carried out by the individuals actually involved in forcing others to violate their conscience. Every fucking one of them knows what they are voting for and every fucking one of them is complicit.

  2. “…violating the First Amendment free speech and religious liberty rights of physicians by compelling them “to choose between abandoning their livelihoods or obeying government commands that violate their religious conscience and compel them to speak and act in ways that contravene their religious faith.”

    …you mean like when they force them to include abortion counseling?

    Or force everyone to pay for it?

    Or when they force bakers to bake a cake?

    …don’t remember these doctors complaining about any of THAT.

    …guess it depends on whose ox is being gored,eh?

  3. Milestones. The “where does life begin/abortion is not murder” is in the rear view mirror. We are now at “If you refuse to honor your patient’s request that you murder them you will be prosecuted… ….and don’t give me any of that ‘my religion forbids me to take a life’ crap”.

    The Democrat party ladies and gentlemen, the party of Moloch & Baal; their not just murdering babies anymore.


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