California Supreme Court Throws Out Lawsuit Challenging Bullet Stamping Law – IOTW Report

California Supreme Court Throws Out Lawsuit Challenging Bullet Stamping Law

DC: California’s bullet stamping law that requires new semi-automatic handguns to stamp identifying information on bullet casings, The Associated Press reported Thursday.

Gun rights groups argued the law should be overturned because it was impossible to comply with, as the technology does not exist. The court ruled the law could not be overturned simply because it was impossible to comply with.

The law requires new semi-automatic handguns to “have a microscopic array of characters in two spots that identify the gun’s make, model and serial number and that are transferred by imprinting on each cartridge case when the gun is fired,” reported The Associated Press.

Former Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the law in 2007, with supporters arguing that it would help police solve gun crimes by allowing them to trace bullet casings to the original gun. The law took effect in 2013.

Gun rights groups pointed out in the lawsuit that technology to reliably “microstamp” in two different areas does not exist and that available technology only allows the tip of the firing pin to be microstamped. more here

27 Comments on California Supreme Court Throws Out Lawsuit Challenging Bullet Stamping Law

  1. so, basically the court is saying you must comply w/ a law that you can’t comply with, regardless that there is no basic for compliancy

    absolutely frightening … the list of actions that the ‘progressives’ will ban will be endless

  2. They are not taking this high enough. There should be a law to embed an Alexa microchip in every bullet casing. The police can just pick up the casing and speak into it, “Alexa, who shot the gun?” And The casing would respond something like, “John Wiles Booth, the actor, shot the gun.” That law would be so much “betterer”!

  3. I see a huge market here for some enterprising individual in another state. Buy new guns, shoot them 10 times. They are no longer new but pre-owned and used. Then sell them to FFL’s in California as like new but used firearms.

  4. …available technology only allows the tip of the firing pin to be microstamped.

    And firing pins are impossible to replace and when one breaks the gun is ruined. /s

    I’m pretty sure I could strip my Hi-Power, swap in a new firing pin, and reassemble the thing in less than 60 seconds. I’m certain I could do it in less than 90 seconds.

    Now, I’m thinking about trying to get a micro-stamping firing pin engraved with tiny letters that say BLOW ME.

  5. If lack of technology is not an argument, why didn’t they make a law that guns must shoot stun laser bolts? It is effectively gun control before the fact: you can’t have any new guns unless they contain the new impossible feature.

  6. California Politicians will make big bucks off their cut of the black market, pre law guns. These bastards don’t care about criminal victims as long as they get their share of the goodies.

  7. Uncky, take it one step further with the pin. What about putting someone else’s number on your firing pin and setting someone else up for a stint in the slammer?

    Like, maybe, some troublesome antifa?

  8. The proggy’s specialty is making
    nonsense laws that everyone will
    break and become criminals so they
    can hold the BS “crimes” over the
    people who they want to control.

  9. @Aaron Burt June 28, 2018 at 10:22 pm

    > Awe inspiring legal precedent. Why stop there? Why not start prosecuting laws that don’t even exist?

    Go to Chicago. No. I’m not even being snarky.

  10. Aaron Burr JUNE 28, 2018 AT 11:16 PM
    Oh Unky Al, they already have micro engraving on the tip of the bullet. You just have to squint down the barrel of the gun to see them.

    I couldn’t make it through all the comments before this one…


    Used to get a trade magazine for FFL’s that had a “Your dumbest questions.” My favorite of all time was the one where someone had actaully asked the gun shop owner… “If you look down the barrel of the gun when you shoot it will you be able to see the bullet leave the barrel?”

    His answer to the Mensa Member was… “Yes, but only for a split second.”

    Gotta go back and finish reading the comments, but had to share that one…


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