California to End Pandemic State of Emergency in February – IOTW Report

California to End Pandemic State of Emergency in February

Decision means California will phase out the final 27 of nearly 600 directives enacted during the pandemic that still remain in effect. more

10 Comments on California to End Pandemic State of Emergency in February

  1. Aaaaaaaannnnnd they’ll bring it back as soon as they feel the need to do so. After all, they’re drunk on power and like any addict they’ll get the shakes if they’re without it foe too long!

  2. Nazis gotta Naz.
    A tiger can’t change his spots; a leopard can’t change his stripes; and a Nazi cocksucker can’t behave like a civilized man.
    Newsom has some other scheme – he’s a megalomaniacal nihilistic totalitarian and can’t pretend to stand for individual Liberty – otherwise CA would drop the “dempanic” bullshit pretense at once and be done with it.
    Even the nose-picking morons of LA and SF should have figured out the scam after 3 fukkin years.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

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