California to get $247 million refund as Newsom’s Chinese mask deal faces delivery delay – IOTW Report

California to get $247 million refund as Newsom’s Chinese mask deal faces delivery delay

SAN DIEGO (KUSI) – State Senator Brian Jones recently criticized Governor Newsom’s decision to purchase masks from a Chinese electric vehicle manufacturing company.

State Senator Brian Jones joined KUSI to discuss the $247 million refund California is getting from that Chinese manufacturer. watch

14 Comments on California to get $247 million refund as Newsom’s Chinese mask deal faces delivery delay

  1. Gov Loathesome loving on the Chicoms while ignoring American manufacturers paying 3 buck a mask for crap when he can get a much better mask in the US for 75 cents.

    And of course he and CommieO in NY will be the first to beg for federal bailouts. These bastards literally know no shame. So evil.

    Wonder how much of Loathesome’s kickback will be effected by the refund.

  2. N95 mask is comprised of four layers of material: an outer layer of spun-bond polypropylene, a second layer of cellulose/polyester, a third layer of melt-blown polypropylene filter material and an inner (fourth) layer of spun-bound polypropylene. All of the construction materials used in this device are typical construction materials commonly used in surgical facemasks and N95 surgical respirators and being used in current legally marketed devices. The outer active layer of the respirator is coated with a hydrophilic plastic. The second inner layer is treated with copper and zinc ions. Both layers inactivate influenza viruses using different mechanisms of action.

    Do you trust a defunct chinese car maker to follow these steps?

    Are they going to come with NIOSH certification?

    N95 surgical respirator is a single use NIOSH-approved, disposable N95 surgical respirator.

    One grocery store trip = one mask. I bet my house most people are reusing/overusing masks.

    I wouldn’t trust a single chinaman to make masks to spec.

    It’s bad enough that most don’t use them properly, but to make the problem worse just toss in uncertified masks. Then over-pay for them.

  3. ecp
    MAY 11, 2020 AT 10:43 AM
    ” I wouldn’t trust a single chinaman to make masks to spec.”

    …I wouldn’t trust a single Chinaman to make that is not CONTAMINATED, either accidentally…or DELIBERATELY.

    …this was a biological warfare agent manufactured by the Chinese.

    …and we trust them to PROTECT us from it?

    …what a wonderful delivey system for a respiratory disease! Your victims PAY you to WILLINGLY put the dosing system over YOUR OWN MOUTH AND NOSE, and will even blame their OWN President for it when your disease starts its killing!

    …how wonderful for our enemies that the Democrats will help them destroy us…

    …the only question to ME, is if the Democrats KNOW it, maybe are even IN on it.

    …let’s see Gavin and his aunt Nancy Pelosi put on randomly picked masks from the last shipment, and take a DEEP breath through them.

    Go on, we’re waiting…

    …yeah, that’s what I THOUGHT…

  4. ecp — On using the same mask over and over again:

    Yes. My response to mask-wearing was to dig out an already used N95 from one of my work tool boxes. I don’t wear it to guard against CV, I use it to guard against Seattle busy bodies saying terrible things to me when I go to the grocery store. I swear the progressive retards here have a brain about the size of a walnut that functions like a herd of panicked horses. Seriously. Terrified of the elastic in their underwear.

    I hate wearing this used mask because it smells like old sanding dust, but I’m not going to waste a new one. I need them for work — if I’m ever allowed to make a living (so I can pay $17,000/year for health insurance) again.

  5. I was in Home Depot yesterday and people are standing around chatting with others and only, maybe, one in twenty are taking any of this over the top precautionary bullshit seriously any longer.

  6. AA, I only wear a thin bandana, and have only worn it once when forced to pick up fish on Friday. I can see thru it, it serves no other purpose than to get me in the grocery store.

    While waiting at the fish counter, next in line, some nasty hag yells behind me, “I need a pound and a half of taco meat!” as she pushes her way past me. Her mask was below her nose. I bit my tongue and left before making a scene, did a lap around the store and came back.

    One day you’re going to see me in a public freakout video. I’m hanging on my last nerve.

    I do have a full face respirator with P100 filters that I just might start wearing. It does everything to keep me safe, but nothing to keep others safe as it doesn’t filter exhaled air. I’m pretty sure my full face motorcycle helmet will also pass as a face covering, when the weather finally warms.

  7. since the virus can enter through your eyes what’s the mask for?

    it’s for show, that’s all.

    it doesn’t protect you or those around you.

    from what i have read, 60% of your exhale or inhale goes out or comes in through the sides of the mask.

    but it does keep the nancy’s from asking for the manager

  8. Gavin just got through hi jacking my radio again to reassure us peons everything was OK and to let us know he asked Aunt Nancy for 1 Trillion Dollars. So pony up you suckers from other states and send us some green cause we be broke.

  9. ecp – I feel your nerve thing. Me too.

    I subscribe to an online app called NextDoor (for business). There are usually several messages from freaked out busy bodies reporting on “social distancing” infractions and just generally being the Gladys Kravitzes. I so want to respond, telling them just to shut up and get a life of their own, but it’s a dependable source of referrals, so…. If I was a member as just another “neighbor”, I would.

    I have a full-on respirator, too, that I use for spraying and I use the round, pink chemical filters for hot fumes. I could go full hazmat with a spray suit, hood, gloves and booties if I wanted to raise a few eyebrows. I’ve seen a few crazies walking around looking just like that. I want to tell them that if they feel that exposed, just stay home. It’s not like you can’t have everything you need delivered right to your front door.

  10. Brad, I have a couple of $1,000,000.00 bills that I could send directly to you as my contribution. They’re legal as long as you don’t try to spend them.


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