California to Pay Drug Addicts to ‘Stay Sober’ – IOTW Report

California to Pay Drug Addicts to ‘Stay Sober’

Neon Nettle: California’s radical leaders are proposing paying drug addicts to stay sober as the state sees massive increases in drug overdose deaths.

After using the method on military veterans, the federal government claims it is an effective way to get people to stop using drugs like cocaine and methamphetamine.

Drugs addicts would receive incentives or payments for every negative drug test over a period of time.

People who complete the treatment without any positive tests will be able to earn a few hundred dollars.

Gov. Gavin Newsom has asked the federal government for permission to use tax dollars to pay for the program via Medicaid, the joint state and federal health insurance program that covers nearly 14 million people in California.

15 Comments on California to Pay Drug Addicts to ‘Stay Sober’

  1. Speed and the arrogant stupidity of progtards kills. What could possibly go wrong? Everything! They’ll just keep doubling down on their ever increasing race to stupidity and oblivion and not see anything wrong with it. They just don’t get the law of unintended consequences or the all the mayhem and death associated with it, but their lord and master Lucifer does. Thank God that I was saved when I was young because otherwise I might just have become like one of these braindead liberal idiots and think that this is a great idea.

  2. I don’t take drugs, but I’d like to sign up for this program.
    Can I just have the payments sent directly for my car payments? That would save me having to do it.
    And if I wouldn’t qualify, I have pee for sale.


  3. I promise to stop drinking White Oppressor Canadian whisky if the Turdeau Gov-mint pays me so I can go and buy Scotch & Irish.

    I doubt I could give up Bourbon so I don’t think I will get a cheque.

  4. Billyhall, when I worked for the Postal Service as a mail handler in the mid 80’s we had some clean urine sample bottles inside a box burst open on the conveyor belt as it was being processed. It created quite a mess and didn’t make it to its destination. At the time I didn’t know that was a business selling clean piss to people who needed to pass a drug test. People will send anything thru the mail if they think they can get away with it.

  5. “Drugs addicts would receive incentives or payments for every negative drug test over a period of time.”

    Oh, you mean like the same drug test you take right before you get a JOB THAT PAYS MONEY?

  6. Typical liberal approach: ignore the problem, which is that these people need help big time, and think that money is an incentive to them. An addict needs money for the next fix. What they really need is someone to help them, to connect with them. It takes the kind of effort and care that the government has proven mostly incapable of providing.

  7. And for those of you who managed to avoid being a worthless fucking junkie piece of shit… bupkis… We only reward the fuck-ups in society for pretending like they’re not fuck-ups (and everyone knows they’ll be cheating the system). All you non-fuck-ups just get to pay for it.

  8. There’s a couple of problems with this problem.

    Do you think they’ll run the tests and give out the money in the same places that they give out free syringes?
    One way bus tickets would be cheaper

  9. California is going to pay addicts not to use drugs, New York is going to pay gang-bangers not to murder people, what’s not to like? Maybe we should pay politicians to be honest. Oh, that’s right we already do and the program isn’t working. Maybe we should cancel it and quit paying taxes.


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