California town reacts as border crisis hits Main Street – IOTW Report

California town reacts as border crisis hits Main Street

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As the crisis of illegal immigrants flooding into America reaches Main Street, residents of the San Diego suburb of Murrieta attended a town meeting Thursday to vent their feelings, with one man receiving applause when he told a federal officials to refer to the immigrants as illegal, because “they came here illegally.” MORE


17 Comments on California town reacts as border crisis hits Main Street

  1. 41 years ago when I still lived in Southern CA, the illegal aliens were already a big problem. Back then the Legal Hispanics hated the illegals. It is nice to see still today that the protesters aren’t all white.

  2. Tony,

    These illegal alias are not a threat to those at the top ofnthebevonomic ladder so much as they are a threat to LEGAL American citizens who are lower down and trying to climb up the ladder.

  3. JD Hasty — Thank you for that. Everyone hates Barack so much that they to give a free pass to W over his worthless stewardship on the border. Not only would the Bush ranch in TX be a great place, but Kennebunkport probably has a shortage of ILLEGALS as well as the Kennedy compound.

  4. Progressives are the problem and the Republican establishment is just as infested with progressives as is the Dempcrat Party. Constitutional conservatives have to wage war on two fronts and establishment Republicans are not our friends any more than Benedict Arnold was a friend of the cause of liberty in his day.

  5. The Mayor seems to be fairly level headed about this, but sending the bill to DC just shifts the load to more taxpayers which is just as much an injustice to American citizens. I do pity the poor kids who are the pawns in this, but I loathe every last asshole liberal wagging their fingers at everyone who objects to this gross imposition on us. I would make an exception for anyone who steps up and personally takes just one of these kids into their own home and pays with their own money, but I haven’t heard of one yet. Priests and ministers should also shut the hell up unless they take personal action as well.

  6. Look at the map provided by @Hotlanta Mike. You will notice that there is a push-pin denoting Relocation Blocked in a little Illinois hamlet called Chicago.

    I wonder why.

    Because Obongo and Tiny Dancer are the NIMBY-est people of all.

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