California: Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Raped and Impregnated Teen – IOTW Report

California: Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Raped and Impregnated Teen

Breitbart: Law enforcement officials in California say a twice-deported illegal immigrant kidnapped, raped, and impregnated a 15-year-old girl. The alleged assault became known after the young girl delivered a baby at a local hospital.

Hospital officials notified the Kings County Sheriff’s Office about a 15-year-old girl giving birth in Hanford on December 17. The girl told investigators she was sexually assaulted by a man she met on Facebook, the Sentinel reported Tuesday.

The young girl reportedly told the investigators she was raped by 31-year-old Hector Montez. Investigators said Montez picked her up from school in March 2018 after talking with her on social media. She told him she needed a ride after school. She said he drove her to a remote area and stopped his vehicle. She claims she repeatedly told Montez to take her home but he refused, investigators told the local newspaper. He then held her down and sexually assaulted her, she stated.

The girl hid her pregnancy for months, KYMA reported. The television news outlet also reported that Montez has two previous arrests for illegally entering the U.S. It is not known if immigration officials have placed a detainer on the suspect. more

7 Comments on California: Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Raped and Impregnated Teen

  1. I was under the impression that re entering the country after deportation was a felony.

    So why do we have all these multiple deportees running around loose on the streets, shouldn’t their first time caught after deportation have landed them in prison or something?

    Or am I just wrong about the escalating criminal status of multiple deportees?

  2. This is in california. They will release him again. Then someone will get a grant for funding to conduct a ‘study’ of how he again re-enters the country, just so they can try to figure out what is going on.
    forrest/trees thing

  3. Tag them, with a tracker they can’t remove. That way, if they reenter the U.S., we will know and can find them easily.

    Suggestion #2: Build the wall and then build a big catapult. Anyone who crosses the border illegally gets sent back by catapult.

    Suggestion #3: Handcuff this guy to a chair and give the girl’s father a baseball bat and 15 minutes. ICE can deport whatever is left.


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