California: UC-Irvine Places Students for Justice in Palestine on 2-Year Probation for Protest – IOTW Report

California: UC-Irvine Places Students for Justice in Palestine on 2-Year Probation for Protest

WFB: The University of California-Irvine (UCI) placed a student group on two years probation for their intense protest in May of an on-campus event that resulted in police intervention.

Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) filed an appeal of the decision on Thursday, and the review will likely take a number of weeks. The outcome of that process is final.

The protest occurred at an event hosted by UCI’s chapter of Students Supporting Israel (SSI) featuring Israel Defense Forces (IDF) reservists. Some 40 SJP demonstrators chanted slogans advocating for the elimination of Israel and accusing the soldiers of “genocide.” A number of students wore t-shirts bearing the words “UC intifada,” an apparent declaration of support for violent Palestinian uprising.

As the tension escalated, SSI co-founder Kevin Brum contacted the UCI Police Department, who arrived 10 minutes after protesters had left the room and gathered in the narrow corridor immediately outside, blocking the main passage to exit the building, the Algemeiner reported.

Officers escorted the event’s attendees through the narrow path left by the demonstrators, and out an employee exit.

The incident occurred almost exactly a year after SJP launched an extreme demonstration of a screening of a film about the IDF, during which SJP were alleged to have barred the doors to the room where the movie was being shown. A female student, who arrived late to the program, said she was chased by protesters into an adjacent building, where she hid in fear.  read more

6 Comments on California: UC-Irvine Places Students for Justice in Palestine on 2-Year Probation for Protest

  1. This is What Happens When….. You Let U.S Citizens – Agitifa Act as Criminals and Don’t Punish Them. Now Why Not ISIS ? They Want Their Equal Rights Too ! Liberals Please Wake The Fuck Up !!!

  2. Muslims lie, who knew?
    These are not American citizens, anybody denying another persons right to freedoms outlined in the Constitution, are not American citizens.
    E.E.Hale had it right, put them on ships, never to set foot on our sovereign soil again.

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