California Voters Deliver Resounding ‘No’ to Cash Reparations for Slavery – IOTW Report

California Voters Deliver Resounding ‘No’ to Cash Reparations for Slavery


The concept of the state delivering cash payments as reparations to the descendants of enslaved African Americans is opposed by California voters by a 2-to-1 margin, a poll released Sunday reveals.

This insight into public reaction to offers of cash settlements shows difficulties await state lawmakers when they begin to consider the idea already flagged for action next year.

The UC Berkeley Institute of Governmental Studies poll, co-sponsored by the Los Angeles Timesfound some 59 percent of voters oppose cash payments compared with 28 percent who support the idea. The lack of support for cash reparations was resounding, with more than four in ten voters “strongly” opposed.

“It has a steep uphill climb, at least from the public’s point of view,” said Mark DiCamillo, director of the IGS poll. The Times report states: more

17 Comments on California Voters Deliver Resounding ‘No’ to Cash Reparations for Slavery

  1. No White person today ever owned slaves, and no Black person today ever was enslaved to a White person.

    Two wrongs don’t make a right.

    Grade school stuff.

    …as for me personally, my family was too busy being starved to death by the English to have had anything to do with that mess, seeing as how they were all still in the Old Country until the War was over. Your stupidity doesn’t allow for the varying backgrounds and lived experiences of White people, so it doesn’t account for little things like this.

    Guess all we White folk look the same to you tho, huh?

    …and that bill was paid long ago anyway, in blood, by people at the time. My thumb on this thread links to a humble footstone for a man named John Bird, one of hundreds in just this backwater Cincinnati cemetary alone of the thousands and thousands that paid the butcher’s bill of Black freedom.

    Go to that cemetary or any of HUNDREDS of other cemeteries to view the receipts.

    …finally, last time I looked, CA entered the Union as a free state.

    They in PARTICULAR never had any part in that century and a half old oppression that is used to transfix the modern nation still.

    Your claim is invalid. No one owes you anything but the same chance every man has to succeed or fail on his own.

    …but if you insist on pursuing it further, seek ye out Democrats, as they were the purveyors of every oppression of Black people from chattel slavery to Bull Conner. Every slave owner was a Democrat, and NO slave owner was a Republican.

    Address your complaint there, if you wish.

    But otherwise quit trying to make bank on abuses of other people by other people.

    As you kids say, live in the NOW.

    No White person owes you ANYTHING just because you’re Black.

    And no overwrought Communist division fantasy will ever change that.

  2. Not to worry; Parasites! Like Prop 8 in 2008, the Ninth circuit will overturn the will of the people and complete the destruction of the last vestiges of fiscal sanity Ca. may have had.

  3. ask after everything black in ca lines up to pay reparations for the dead people on flight 1771 (1987) killed by the dindu-david a. burke, because he got fired for stealing. asshole shot his ex-boss & the flight crew, then crash-dived the plane.

  4. And according to one congressman just prior to the vote to bailout the banks following the collapse of Bear-Stearns, the calls were running 95% NO, and 5% HELL NO. They voted in favor of it anyway. Government doesn’t give one shit what we think because their local party apparatus ENSURES that they will NEVER face any real challengers that will succeed or defeat them.

  5. Considering the dope fiend move lbj pulled in 64’s “war on poverty”….. many pay for food with big balance ebt cards & put it in the trunk of a benz….I think we’ve been paying reparations for 60 years.

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