California Voters: Teachers Should Not Shoot Back to Save Their Lives! – IOTW Report

California Voters: Teachers Should Not Shoot Back to Save Their Lives!

CPR: A poll of California voters is shocking.  If a teacher is faced with a thug, terrorist or student holding a gun 61% believed the teacher should be killed—and only 37% though the teacher should be allowed to shoot back.  That says a lot about how the community thinks of teachers—criminals first, even if a teacher has to be killed.  This is NOT a joke.

By a wide margin California voters support more gun control and oppose arming teachers to shoot back if under attack.

The opposition to armed teachers was uncovered via a Berkeley-IGS Poll and reported by the Sacramento Bee. The poll found 61 percent of voters opposed arming teachers while only 37 percent supported it.

When viewed by political affiliation, 83 percent of Democrats opposed allowing teachers to be armed to protect themselves and their students, while 75 percent of Republicans supported the idea.

The same poll showed 67 percent of California voters support “a nationwide ban on the sale of assault weapons” and they support “tightening restrictions on gun ownership over protecting Second Amendment rights.”

No guns?  No protection—teachers are sitting ducks per the California voters.  Would you do the job?  Or would you break the law to save your life? read more

17 Comments on California Voters: Teachers Should Not Shoot Back to Save Their Lives!

  1. The results might be different if the question emphasized saving innocent lives and probable loss of the criminal’s life, versus the probable loss of several children’s lives and that of the teacher.

    I suspect however that the typical CA voter only thinks that “getting rid” of guns equates to classroom safety.

    Bear in mind that these are the same people who voted in and keep supernnuated Peloi, Feinstein, and Brown in office decade after decade. Somehow, that doesn’t sound like much progress.

  2. You would really need to see the questions asked. Creating a poll for a hopeful result is a science. Depending on how the question is worded, who is asked, and their understanding of how the results maybe used makes it possible to get the result that a clever poll designer is trying to establish.

  3. Or an alternative, Cali is known for it’s sexual deviants. Just train the teachers to strip and spread their legs.

    It is a lost cause either way. California is screwed.

  4. I have kids in these schools and the representatives have made damn sure that there will be no armed resistance against the next nut job. The Left accuses the NRA of having blood on their hands when in reality they do…pure projection.

    Hey Governor Brown…the next dead kid is your fault by making sure good teachers cannot fight back. Hell is waiting impatiently for you, so you can suffer your just punishment.

  5. Braden Lynch

    Just sayen, get your kids in a private school if you can afford it, if not try and home school them. So glad my kids escaped this bull shit.

  6. Something I learned 65 years ago; still true today!
    1. Who was behind the poll?
    a. How were the questions phrased?
    b. What choices were not listed?

    2. Whom did they poll?

    A perfect example of how progs design bogus polls is RomneyCare. BothCNN + Fox had polls showing 75% support 3/09. 2 months before the Ka vote Fox (who BTW had Mitt on pushing it no less then 5 times the preceding 6 months!) said the vote would be close bu RomneyCare would be approved. CNN polls still showed voter approval of 75%! the actual vet was 75% of real voters disapproved of Romneycare.

    Leftists have ginned up polls to show support for their proposals for over 100 years in America. In Uk this is an attempt to creat a “Band wagon”> Years ago Barry and Ronnie used “Bandwagon” butI have not seen it in decades.
    All the “Bee” papers are, and have been for decades, owned by America haters. Their polls in ’03 said Arnie would at best finish 3rd! If you live in the West you know who won!


    100% believe that all liberal progressives should be executed slowly while tasting their own blood!!!

    Sadly this is what happens when you not only talk to yourself but answer back…

  8. Although everything that was said here about your average California voter is true, going from ,”61% of voters do not agree that teachers should be armed”, to ,”61% of voters think teachers should be killed” is just stupid and makes us look almost as bad as the opposition.

    Although I agree with Bad_Brad that a private or home school is preferable, sometimes that is not feasible. If forced to utilize the public school system, at least be cognizant of the continual indoctrination effort going on, stay on top of what your kids are learning. Complaining won’t do any good, the elitist “in loco parentis” attitude most teachers take overrules any objections, but you can provide an alternative sane point of view.


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