California Wildfires Cancel Out Nearly Two Decades of emissions Reductions – IOTW Report

California Wildfires Cancel Out Nearly Two Decades of emissions Reductions

Fires burned more than 4 million acres, emitting twice as much greenhouse gas the state’s total reductions over 18 years.

JTN: California’s record-breaking wildfire season in 2020 essentially nullified nearly two decades’ worth of greenhouse gas emission reductions, according to a new study.

The record-breaking wildfire season, which resulted in more than 4 million acres burned, emitted twice as much greenhouse gas into the atmosphere as the state’s total reductions over 18 years, a new study published in the journal of Environmental Pollution.

“Wildfire emissions in 2020 essentially negate 18 years of reductions in GHG emissions from other sectors,” the study’s authors concluded. more here

13 Comments on California Wildfires Cancel Out Nearly Two Decades of emissions Reductions

  1. What happens to the property after it burns? Does someone come in and buy it cheap? Wasn’t one meth head caught lighting multiple fires?
    Decades of mismanagement, while taking millions of dollars for forest management.
    Same ole shit.

  2. I live in the heart of fire country. The fires started up here were started by a law professor, and another fire was set by another college educated asswipe. Did you know if you get caught setting fires that you have to register as an arsonist? I guess it’s like a sex violation. It’s the environmental wackos causing these fires.

    A federal grand jury on Thursday indicted Gary Maynard, 47, formerly a professor at Santa Clara University in California, on five counts of arson related to fires set near the Dixie Fire this past summer.

    Nearly 85 percent* of wildland fires in the United States are caused by humans. Human-caused fires result from campfires left unattended, the burning of debris, equipment use and malfunctions, negligently discarded cigarettes, and intentional acts of arson.Mar 8, 2022

    As for PG&E, people like to use their equipment as target practice. The cause of the Paradise fire is still being investigated. Fires are mostly started by the homeless here. They burn down the area they crap in.


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