Californians challenge Biden’s 55 electoral votes in court – IOTW Report

Californians challenge Biden’s 55 electoral votes in court

Ten congressional candidates join legal action against Gov. Newsom.

California Globe: In twin court salvos, congressional candidates and legal groups sued California election officials, charging Gov. Gavin Newsom with overseeing a fraudulent and unconstitutional November general election.

A lawsuit filed this week includes hundreds of sworn eyewitness reports of election code violations, irregularities and fraud.

Besides the governor, other named defendants in the suit, filed by the Election Integrity Project-California in the U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, include Attorney General Xavier Becerra, Secretary of State Alex Padilla and 13 county Registrars of Voters.

‘We had no choice’

“We had no choice but to bring this federal lawsuit in order to restore integrity to the election process,” said EPICa President Linda Paine on Tuesday.

The Los Angeles-based Primary Law Group is representing EPICa as well as ten congressional candidates. They include Eric Early, who lost to incumbent Adam Schiff (D-LA), and James Bradley, who lost to incumbent Ted Lieu (D-LA).

“I promised the citizens of this district [CA 33], if there were any shenanigans in the election, I would sue to perform a forensic audit to protect the rights of all Californians,” Bradley said. read more

14 Comments on Californians challenge Biden’s 55 electoral votes in court

  1. “We had no choice but to bring this federal lawsuit in order to restore integrity to the election process,” said EPICa President Linda Paine on Tuesday.

    You stupid fucking bint! You are a part of it. Where were you on around the 10th of November when you obviously knew this information?

    Go fuck yourself. You bring nothing to the table.

  2. The state level is EXACTLY where to start.

    Sure, it won’t help Trump, but they have to push and keep pushing against election fraud.

    As disheartened as many conservative seem to feel, we have to push back ir the next step might be: “Arbeit Macht Frei“

  3. Anon: re “I wish you luck, but the odds are seriously stacked against you. The Establishment wants Trump gone one way or another.” The Establishment wants US gone one way or another.


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