California’s Latest Plan for Illegal Aliens Will Cost It a Lot of Money – IOTW Report

California’s Latest Plan for Illegal Aliens Will Cost It a Lot of Money

American Thinker:
By Andrea Widburg

California is a wealthy state because of Hollywood and Silicon Valley. California is also the state with the highest poverty rate in America. Many of those living in poverty are illegal aliens, people who shouldn’t be in this country in the first place. Nevertheless, California’s Democrats have a soft spot for a group they envision as future Democrat party voters. So it is that, last week, California became the first state not only to guarantee free health care for all low-income immigrants but also to ensure that this promise extends to illegal aliens. This won’t help the state’s financial situation but will help it vis-à-vis federal rights and benefits.

For the time being, the federal government will not provide Medicaid to illegal aliens. California is about to change that policy within its borders for the estimated 2.5 million or more illegal aliens (plus their ~900,000 U.S.-born anchor babies) who live there. California has long offered Medi-Cal to the approximately 200,000 illegal aliens aged under 26 years. Still, this latest expansion is a big deal in terms of placing demands on taxpayer monies, something that even the Associated Press admits:

About 92% of Californians currently have some form of health insurance, putting the state in the middle of the pack nationally. But that will change once this budget is fully implemented, as adults living in the country illegally make up one of the largest groups of people without insurance in the state.

“This will represent the biggest expansion of coverage in the nation since the start of the Affordable Care Act in 2014,” said Anthony Wright, executive director of Health Access California, a statewide consumer health care advocacy group.

This free health care will be on top of the other benefits California extends to those who enter the country illegally. It has long refused to cooperate with ICE, even when it comes to violent illegal aliens. Illegal aliens have full access to public education in California, including admission to its colleges and universities (with financial aid). In addition, a proposed bill in California would extend unemployment benefits to illegal aliens, who are estimated to make up 1 in 16 workers in the state. And of course, there’s just the general cost of their being in America: They use public services (transportation, utilities, garbage, water, etc.) and have a big impact on the criminal justice system. more

12 Comments on California’s Latest Plan for Illegal Aliens Will Cost It a Lot of Money

  1. Continuing the ER argument from other Brad, I actually agree with this policy. Look, if you are going to allow every illegal to have unlimited use of the ER system anyway, then you are actually ahead to just give these same clients “free” regular medical care. Nothing can cost more than ER time. And then it is clogged up for the actual true emergencies.
    It is even possible that by some tiny bit of preventative care, the total cost could come down. (sarcasm, guv costs never come down)

  2. Free health care for illegals, makes for even cheaper labor for their corporate friends.
    Bleeding the middle class to gain higher profits for their supporters.

  3. On the other hand…. they now have plenty of workers available for their fabulous high speed train to Busan or wherever.

  4. and keep in mind that the Democrats are going to put for in 2024 President Gavin Newsom as their solution to win the election. If the do nothing Republicans do not get a handle of fraud and cheating for voting, there will be nothing we can do to stop it.

  5. CA sewer contaminates what ever it touches: America is in serous trouble from within.

    Traitors have open the gates, as they despoil from within.

    But we’ll wait for November when the GOP sweeps away the filth of clowngress.

    We are hoping for a Republican lifeboat, but the RINO lifeboat is full of demoncrats.

  6. LasVegasBrad

    The problem is, the new number, sine the retard staged his/their coup, are staggering. I’ve heard numbers as high as 20% of our population. California has destroyed the middle class. There’s only so many landscaper jobs available. And a lot of these people are coming from countries OTM. It’s far from sustainable.

  7. I’m hoping to sell my four bedroom, 2 1/2 bath home on 20 acres in rural North Idaho to a California military vet. Putting an ad in the Armed Forces Dispatch (San Diego) on Thursday. I intend to take advantage of the giant blue real estate bubble and get out from a mortgage and retire.

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