California’s malaise – IOTW Report

California’s malaise

American Thinker-

The erstwhile “Land of Milk and Honey” is now the land of syringes and human fecal matter on the streets. Homelessness is rampant. Fires burn. Power has been shut off to hundreds of thousands of people. Perishables are spoiling. Darkness reigns in too many areas.

The similarities between what is now occurring in parts of California and what is happening in Venezuela, albeit on a larger and more desperate scale, are many and chilling.  Or should be. Venezuela is another former paradise, the onetime jewel of the Caribbean. It, too, has gone figuratively — and literally — dark. The necessities of life have become scarce, though it sits on the world’s largest pool of black gold. Though the nation also possesses large reserves of natural gas, bauxite, iron ore, diamonds and gold, people have resorted to eating zoo animals— and their pets — to stave off starvation. Power is often scarce, potable water, too. Millions have fled the country altogether. All of this misery and privation has been brought to Venezuelans courtesy of years of Socialist rule.

And now California, too, grows dark. And for many of the same reasons. Its massive homelessness problem has been brought about by government mandating rent and price controls and tolerating, even subsidizing the drug addiction lifestyle on the street. The state has essentially sanctioned massive drug use by coddling abusers. read more

17 Comments on California’s malaise

  1. …and California is exporting this all over the Country with people who are leaving it because of it’s bad politics, but bringing those SAME bad politics WITH them to destroy their NEW home with too, just like Muslims do but with less beheadings, as lest for NOW…

  2. I have an engineering license in California. Many years ago I received a notice from the state of CA that I am liable to pay CA income taxes. Since I hadn’t lived there or worked there since 1974, I called them up and asked how this could be. I was told that if I was paid a salary in another state, but attended a seminar or conference in CA, I owed CA income tax for that time I was in the state. I politely told them to phuque themselves.

  3. Mr. RadioMattM and I did something unusual yesterday: we went to the movies (based upon a review by Mark Steyn).

    One of the movies previewed before the film started was for a film based upon Tom Clancy’s character, Jack Ryan. The plot of that move is that Venezuela is in such poor shape right now is because it is being run by a racist White Supremest.

    (The next trailer was for a film about two black people who get pulled over by the po-lease. He is, of course, obviously racist. The black woman shoots and killed the officer (so he does not shoot the man) and the couple end up being fugitives and there are riots and protests, etc.

    The movie we went to see had not even started and I was already in a bad mood.

  4. (to the tune of “California Dreaming)

    All the streets are brown (all the streets are brown)
    And the sky’s in flames (and the sky’s in flames)
    I’ve been for a slide (I’ve been for a slide)
    On the turds of some gay (on the turds of some gay)
    I’d be exposed to typhus (I’d be exposed to typhus)
    If I was in L.A. (if I was in L.A.)
    California’s screaming’ (California’s screaming’)
    As it dies off day by day

  5. @Supernightshade November 4, 2019 at 12:23 pm

    > bringing those SAME bad politics WITH them to destroy their NEW home with too, just like Muslims do but with less beheadings

    Guess I’m gonna have to get more specific about which new, beardy overlords I welcome.


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