California’s Straw Police – IOTW Report

California’s Straw Police

DC: Rep. Devin Nunes of California appeared to associate his state’s ban on plastic straws with socialism in a tweet Saturday after visiting a nearby restaurant.

“At restaurant tonight waitress asks if we want straws,” the Republican told his Twitter followers. “Says she has to ask now in fear of ‘THE STRAW POLICE.’ Welcome to Socialism in California!”

California passed a law in 2018 making the state the country’s first to ban full-service restaurants from handing out plastic straws unless a customer asks for one.

Restaurants that don’t comply can be fined up to $300 per year. Fast food establishments are exempt from the mandate. Conservatives argue such laws reek of government overreach, while Democrats consider plastic straw bans a move in the right

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11 Comments on California’s Straw Police

  1. I hope he didn’t just get his server in hot water. The way the law is written, the customer needs to ask for the straw. It cannot be offered by the restaurant. They made a big deal out of the verbiage when they were passing this Bill.

  2. This is non sequitur, but does anyone else wonder why Ethiopia has an airline? Just a few decades ago everyone in Ethiopia was starving to death, and now they can afford to buy 737’s?

  3. Maybe this is an over-generalization, but my observation is that progressive types are bigger slobs than conservatives. I have attended events where the crowd was mostly conservative, and most of the trash makes it either into the trash bins or near the trash bins if they are full. However, events where mostly progressives are present have trash thrown all over.

    So basically, San Francisco and other like-minded cities have to ban things like plastic straws because their progressive constituents can’t be bothered to properly dispose of their trash. I suppose that’s easier than trying to stop people from crapping on the streets or throwing used needles in the gutter.

  4. Wyatt, it is not an over-generalization, but based on anecdotal evidence. Look at the Tea Party events, compared to Antifa and BLM ‘happenings.’ Look at owner-occupied housing compared to Section 8 or “the Projects” housing.

    In my own neighborhood, the houses which had Obama signs out front were usually neglected slobbiness and the “Had Enough ? Vote Republican !!” signage were all in front of well-kept places.
    Lefties are the harbingers of neighborhood breakdowns and eventually of civilizational breakdown.

  5. If I were David, a repub from CA. I’d b more concerned with eating in a restaurant that might have a rabid TDS lib as a cook and the staff alerts the rabid cook David is there. Who knows what the kitchen staff would do to your order. Just sayin’.

  6. Just last night I ate at a pizza place that had paper straws.
    I had to ask for a straw, then the bitch brings me paper.
    I tried it, hated it and vowed to never return to eat at that establishment.
    Screw them.
    Paper straws are for homos.


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