California’s ‘toilet-to-tap’ approved – IOTW Report

California’s ‘toilet-to-tap’ approved

NYP: Who ever claimed Californians were full of crap?

Officials in the Golden State this week approved new “toilet-to-tap” regulations, allowing water agencies to take wastewater from homes, recycle it and pump it back to households in an effort to boost the state’s dwindling water supply.

“It will truly be the highest quality water delivered in the state when it’s done,” said Darrin Polhemus, director of the Division of Drinking Water and the State Water Resources Control Board.

Despite some trepidation from consumers, officials have guaranteed the scheme is safe due to the wastewater undergoing three rigorous stages of treatment.

The water is treated for pathogens and viruses in a way officials say is so thorough, minerals actually have to be added back to improve the taste. more

35 Comments on California’s ‘toilet-to-tap’ approved

  1. here’s an idea……why not build some kind of, i don’t know, collection deal, where you could store extra rain during the wet years, and release it during the dry years???…or does that sound too much like the “seven lean years” and the “seven fat years” from the bible???

  2. Wastewater treatment has shown it’s inability to remove drugs and hormones from wastewater. So, every body will end up drinking wastewater contaminated with everybody else’s antipsychotic meds and antipregnancy hormones.

  3. I would be far more concerned with all of the drug metabolites passing through everyone’s systems. Actually they are already damaging the environment, but bigPharma has to get their massive profits, and everyone needs a magic pill to fix what they refuse to address with diet and personal reflection.

  4. most modern wastewater treatment plants, along w/ most water treatment plants have switched from liquid chlorine treatment to ultraviolet screening … the claim is that, as liquid chlorine kills everything (including humans) that UV is safer (it is), but it only sterilizes bacteria which renders it incapable of replicating … so you won’t get really, really sick … at least that’s the theory.

    fecal matter is one of the greatest parasitic gut-checks in human epidemiology.
    … which gives me a warm fuzzy every time I have a glass of water in a restaurant … ice cubes too!

    plan accordingly kiddies … get the best water filter you can afford … it ain’t getting any better … they’re counting on it

  5. Not all that worried… It’s all recycled anyway… Treatment plant discharge regulations to public water ways has been this tight for 30+ years. They’re just cutting the “public waterways” bit…

    “minerals actually have to be added back to improve the taste.”

    Actually… 18.3 Meg-ohm reagent grade lab water makes a pretty nice cup of coffee…

    And finally W.C. Fields…

    “I don’t drink water. Fish shit in it!”

  6. “ officials have guaranteed the scheme is safe”

    Well, heck!! Of course we’ll drink it. It’ll help wash down the solid leftish shit CA serves to the sheeple.

    “Safe” as in the COVID ‘vaccine’ safe?
    Or a stroll along the southern border, “safe”?

  7. Been this way in Vegas forever. All our sewage is discharged into Lake Mead, where all our “drinking” water comes from. And yes, measurable levels of every sort of drug Vegas’ types consume. Even Advil! Only a moron would ever drink that sewage.

  8. Adding to the list of things ruined by .gov, the meme “I don’t watch CNN for the same reason I don’t drink from the toilet.” has effectively been robbed of all meaning.

  9. Wouldn’t it make more sense to build desalinization plants. You could use solar stills to get fresh water. You can use solar panels to get enough energy to break this gray water into Hydrogen and Oxygen, burn them together to create large amounts of energy, with water as a byproduct, all without having people drink questionable water.

  10. Kermit, better idea than Anonymous’ “I only drink distilled water”… LOL

    I do wonder though how many solar panels and lithium battery bundles would be necessary to extract sn adequate supply of hydrogen. And the oxygen could be sold to hospitals.


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