Calls Mount for ’25th Amendment’ over Biden’s ‘Embarrassing’ Press Conference – IOTW Report

Calls Mount for ’25th Amendment’ over Biden’s ‘Embarrassing’ Press Conference

CNN Admits Biden Was ‘Foggy and Meandering’ During Press Conference.


Neon Nettle- Calls are now mounting across the political spectrum for “25th Amendment discussions” following Democrat Joe Biden’s train wreck press conference on Wednesday.

Following his two-hour press conference, Biden was widely criticized online for his responses to a variety of questions.

It was the first press conference that Biden has given in months, with several major crises emerging at home and abroad since he last spoke to the media.

However, Biden appeared confused throughout and gave fumbling responses that outraged both his critics and even his supporters on the Left.

Biden suggested during the presser that a “minor incursion” by Russia into Ukraine might not elicit the same response from the U.S. as a full-scale invasion would. more

19 Comments on Calls Mount for ’25th Amendment’ over Biden’s ‘Embarrassing’ Press Conference

  1. Foggy and meandering? Where were you in 2020, asshole media? Actually, wasn’t Biden foggy and meandering in 1972?
    And now you discover it? You people are beyond stupid.
    Quite honestly. If I was as stupid as you I would draw a warm bath and open a vein.

    I’ve got an idea. Move to Wyoming,raise some goats, meet Americans, and leave us alone.

  2. Ladies and Gentlemen! (And they/them, xir/xis, it/its, etc. etc. ad naseum). Introducing the best candidate the Democrats could offer in 2020. And remember folks, Biden is usually making these gaffes while READING from a teleprompter and/or listing to aides through his earpiece, and he certainly rehearsed this particular press conference for hours before appearing for a press corps that is actively unconcerned about this fool.

    Corn Pop would be proud.

  3. The country’s being run by a mob. Some are known, many are hiddenb. As their crimes mount, their highest priority is guaranteeing they never face prosecution in a country that could return to its senses. The prime examples of that were Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. But many new names both inside and outside the government have been added to the list, including the current Commander In Thief.

    So, we’re just getting started.

    Tucker: We’re watching civilization collapse in real time:

  4. Now the media cohorts are whining.
    They thought Biden and his puppet masters would make life all unicorns and rainbows. I bet they saw visions of WH parties every weekend.
    Biden hasn’t had one state dinner or any performances or parties at all.
    Usually Presidents have at least a couple in the first year.

  5. Joe 6, the world would be far better if George Soros had died many years ago or been tried as a Nazi war criminal at Nuremberg and executed after World War 2. and why hasn’t the Mossad greased him yet or better yet for the Hungarians to try him for his crimes against humanity and hang the bastard.

  6. Hey, you can send the Chief Pantshitter to ole Wyo!

    We can put him in the rubber barrel right in front of the shutes at CFD. He was clearly born to be a rodeo clown and now that his full speed is set to shuffle, it won’t take long for him to meet his Maker

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