Calm Down, He's White – It's Meaningless – IOTW Report

Calm Down, He's White – It's Meaningless


An Alabama police officer fatally shot and killed an unarmed white man named Robert Earl Lawrence this past Tuesday, reports the Dothan Eagle. The shooting occurred outside the Dothan City Animal Shelter:

Police say Lawrence had gone to the animal shelter to turn over a stray animal, but became disorderly when told he could not leave an animal without showing identification. Police say Lawrence was a sovereign citizen, which is a group of people whose political ideology often leaves them at odds with the government.

Lawrence was told repeatedly to calm down, according to police, then was advised he was being placed under arrest. An altercation then occurred and Lawrence was shot in the abdomen.

Just so you know, a sovereign citizen is someone who declares himself or herself to be a nation. This therefore makes him or her not subject to the laws of whatever actual nation he or she resides in, or so the so-called sovereign citizen believes. More

Robert Earl Lawrence

13 Comments on Calm Down, He's White – It's Meaningless

  1. “…but became disorderly when told he could not leave an animal without showing identification. ”

    If his girlfriend had a baby she didn’t want, she could probably drop it off at Dothan General Hospital anonymously. When it is easier to dump a human baby than a stray dog, things are pretty effed up.

    And it sounds like the police knew all about this guy and his oddball politics. It’s not possible that they were jerking his chain and harassing him with chickenshit, is it?

  2. Cousins Robert Wayne, and Robert Lee Lawrence unavailable for comment. They were getting the facial hair worked on. Three first names. Living in the South never gets old, sometimes.

  3. Have met a few self-proclaimed “sovereign citizens,” all were assholes just like this idiot, or just plain narcissistic wackadoodles.

    Just like Occufilth and Blackastinians.

    However, failure to show ID to a county employee in order to surrender a dog? He didn’t get shot for that, he probably got shot by a police officer in fear for his life. We have not details.

  4. J Frank, I’d be willing to wager that he tried to leave without the dog and without producing ID. When stopped by police from doing so, he probably tried to rewind the whole episode by leaving anonymoisly with the dog. The rage probably ensued when the bureaucracy would not let that happen, even though it knew who he was the minute police ran his tag number.

  5. I don’t know whether this was a good shoot but I hope the cops do a proper investigation into the circumstances. In any event, I wonder where the good Reverend Sharpton is? Part of his current patter is that the cops not only shoot black people without proper cause but they are also shooting anybody although the black part of it seems to be where the money is.

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