Camel Beauty Contests to Highlight UAE Desert Festival – IOTW Report

Camel Beauty Contests to Highlight UAE Desert Festival


[…] – Eyelash length, sheen of hair –

The criteria, as laid out in the brochure, are transparent: jurors base their scores on the shape of the camels’ head, neck and hump as well as their posture.

Eyelash length and the sheen of the camels’ hair also factor into the marks.

Awaiting the results, the animals are kept calm by their owners, lined up in front of a fleet of 80 shiny white 4X4 cars beloved of Gulf Arabs to be awarded to the first-place winners.

In earth-toned traditional garb, including a floor-length gandoura and turban, Sheikh Sultan watches the contest from a plush oversized armchair.  MORE

20 Comments on Camel Beauty Contests to Highlight UAE Desert Festival

  1. They keep their women shrouded from head to toe like they are something shameful and dirty, mutilate them genitally so that they can never experience their God given ability to enjoy sexual pleasure and then they venerate camels for their beauty. What a bunch of sick and twisted freaks.

  2. This general in the Foreign Legion is transferred to a new fort, and half way through his tour of the place, he spots a mangey old camel tied up at the back of the fort. He turns to the corporal: “What in God’s name do you use that for?”, he asks. The corporal replies “Well, sir, there are a lot of men, and now and then, they become, shall we say, horny….” “Ah, yes, yes, I understand. Fine, move on” About 6 weeks later, the general wakes up feeling so horny, he’d get up on the crack of dawn and calls the corporal. “Bring me to the camel” says he. The corporal does, and once at the camel, he makes it stand up, and places a stool behind it. With that, the general stands on the stool, takes out Mr Floppy and inserts it into the camel. He then proceeds to give it the ride of its life. Having finished, he puts away his equipment, and looks proudly at the corporal. “Well”, he says, “is that the way you men do it around here?” “Er…no, sir”, replies the corporal, “We normally just use the camel to ride to the nearest brothel.”

  3. Well at least they’re not killing each other over it. Camels are the donkeys of the desert. They deserve a little pampering now and then. I wonder if someone from PETA is on the judging team?

  4. Some things we will just never understand.

    An oldie but a goodie:

    Akhmed the Arab came to the United States from the Middle East. He was only here a few months when he became very ill. He went to doctor after doctor, but none could help him. Finally, he went to an Arab doctor who said:

    ‘Take dees bocket, go into de odder room, poop in de bocket, pee on de poop, and den put your head down over de bocket and breathe in de fumes for ten minutes.’

    Ahkmed took the bucket, went into the other room, pooped in the bucket, peed on the poop, bent over and breathed in the fumes for ten minutes

    Coming back to the doctor he said, ‘It worked. I feel terrific! What was wrong with me?’

    The doctor said ”You were homesick.”

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