Camera pan shows massive size of crowd to see Youngkin in Loudon County on election eve – IOTW Report

Camera pan shows massive size of crowd to see Youngkin in Loudon County on election eve

According to Guy Benson “There are hundreds of cars trying to get in. Standstill traffic winding through back roads.”

15 Comments on Camera pan shows massive size of crowd to see Youngkin in Loudon County on election eve

  1. yeah, remember the same type of videos in VA during the last days of the 2012 election. very large turn-outs for Romney rallies that actually gave me hope that Obysmal would be defeated

    do not count on wishes. there are probably many hidden factors that are working without our knowledge. this may not end the way we hope it might … stay vigilant, stay strong

    (dang, I should work for Q … lmao)

  2. Loco, the crowds and enthusiasm he has been generating reminded me (of course) of the Trump rallies before the 2020 election. I was convinced that Trump would win. And then…

    Also our recent Canadian federal election where the mood of the country most definitely strongly leaned against a Trudope win. Anti Trudopians at every campaign stop. And then…

  3. “Camera pan shows massive size of crowd to see Youngkin in Loudon County on election eve”

    And just think, I get to switch 3/5ths of every one of those votes to good ol’ Terry!

    I love “election” day…


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