Campaign to Recall California Gov Newsom Meets Target, Organizers Say – IOTW Report

Campaign to Recall California Gov Newsom Meets Target, Organizers Say

Neon Nettle:

The campaign to recall California’s Democrat governor, Gavin Newsom, has now reportedly reached its target, according to organizers.

Organizers behind the multi-million dollar effort announced late on Wednesday evening that they have now surpassed the number of signatures required to force a recall election this year.

The movement to oust Gov. Newsom from office comes in response to his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The Golden State recently passed New York as the state with the highest coronavirus death toll.

California has now had nearly a million more cases than the state with the second-highest number.

News of the recall effort meeting its target was first reported by FOX 11 Los Angeles anchor Elex Michaelson. more

9 Comments on Campaign to Recall California Gov Newsom Meets Target, Organizers Say

  1. They better keep pushing for more signatures since there is a good chance many of those signatures will be tossed out as invalid for one reason or another.

    Them there’s getting the majority of the vote in the recall to start working on, and that may not be as simple as some would think it will be.

    At all times remember one thing above all else: This is California.

  2. …it would be simpler to just ask the Chinese to change him out for a DIFFERENT Communist Party official, since they’re the ones who will be controlling the “voting” machines anyway…

  3. Chickity China the Chinese Chicken
    FEBRUARY 12, 2021 AT 9:46 AM
    “What’s the use if voters are just going recall the governor then elect someone who’s “Newsom light””

    …or, more likely, someone who will grind them even HARDER will be selected for them as a punishment for publicly rejecting an annointed member of a ruling family and as a warning to never try anything like that again…

  4. In California people are fed up with “His Arrogance”…
    The expensive recall has collected the needed 1.5 Million signatures,
    A huge THANK YOU to those who funded and worked on the recall effort,
    All this to show there are no “divine right rulers” in the state.
    If signature verification is required for this, why not for voting?


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