Campus Closes And Prof Flees State After He Posts ‘#LetThemF******Die’ About White People – IOTW Report

Campus Closes And Prof Flees State After He Posts ‘#LetThemF******Die’ About White People

DC: A college campus closed Wednesday and a professor reports having fled the state after calling white people “inhuman assholes” and saying “#LetThemFuckingDie.”

Professor Johnny Eric Williams of Trinity College in Connecticut says he has fled the state, claiming to have received death threats after he posted inflammatory, anti-white remarks on Facebook, according to Hartford Courant. The college closed Wednesday, but reopened Thursday.

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31 Comments on Campus Closes And Prof Flees State After He Posts ‘#LetThemF******Die’ About White People

  1. This Marxist shit pickle can run, but someone, somewhere, will recognize him, and then there will be a reckoning such as the Prof never expected.
    The Immutable Law of Unintended Consequences can never be repealed.

  2. I’m betting those “death threats” were BS just thrown out there to make people feel sorry for him after his posts went viral. Couldn’t stand the heat, so said he had to flee for his own safety. Funny he is worried about his own safety but had no problem encouraging violence on those he disagrees with.

  3. If he is hiding in the inner city among the black gangs & thugs, users and abusers, he’ll be dead within a week. There are no safe spaces in the inner cities even for a racist black.

  4. “It is past time for the racially oppressed to do what people who believe themselves to be ‘white’ will not do, put end to the vectors of their destructive mythology of whiteness and their white supremacy system #LetThemFuckingDie.”-Prof. Johnny Eric Williams

    Fun with words:

    “It is past time for the mentally regressed to do what people who believe themselves to be ‘educated’ will not do, put end to the vectors of their destructive mythology of stupidity and their moral supremacy system #LetThemFuckingDieLikeInChicago.”-Prof. Carpe Diem (that’s Latin)

  5. “It was overwhelming for my family,” said the professor. “I have to look out for family. I’ve got young kids.”

    So after getting the ball rolling, you want to go all Kathy Griffin, and claim victim status? Let me quote an oft used phrase within your particular ethnic community. “Don’t start none , won’t be none.”

  6. Like all liberal wanna be elites, he thought he reached a high enough level of leftist stupidity, to share vile brain farts without reprocusions. The tool will end up teaching at a local community college in the hood, where he will be right at home until a hoodrat or dreamer scares the crap out of him.

  7. This is a perfect teachable moment Professor. IF you ever get to teach again, you can start by saying that while everyone has the right of free speech, words still have consequences, and one would be wise to evaluate ones words before speaking and pissing off the majority that lets you reside amongst them.

  8. #LetThemFuckingDie – kinda funny when the shoe’s on the other foot, ain’t it?

    Same could be said of college professors, couldn’t it?

    Especially if they had to earn a living, instead of sucking at the gov’t teat.

    izlamo delenda est …

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