Can anything good come from a Kennedy? – IOTW Report

Can anything good come from a Kennedy?

American Thinker:
By John Dale Dunn

The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense)

by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

480 pages, hardcover $22.69, Kindle $2.99
ISBN13: 9781510766808
Skyhorse Publications
Distributed by Simon and Schuster, 2021

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. dissects, identifies, and exposes the evil influences that produced the COVID response and explains the danger of “regulatory capture” of government alphabet agencies and the globalist strategies that created the inappropriate and unprecedented COVID response.  Kennedy exposes the mendacious nature of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci in his ambitious and thorough 480-page book with more than two thousand references.

The book is far-ranging and thorough and covers the Faucet’s career and serial malfeasance that goes back to the 1980s.  It also explains the growth of the public health global pharma edifice that has hijacked health care and the Fauci-orchestrated COVID response that was saturated with pernicious noble lies.  Indeed, Fauci’s work was unprecedented and malevolent, and it added to the damage of the worldwide disaster virus the Chicoms let loose.   

Fauci and Gates get Kennedy’s special attention because they were critical in creating the Global Public Health Pharma Machine and also instrumental in what is discussed at the end of the book: the dominance of the bio-health-security bureaucracy.  As C.S. Lewis put it: “The greatest evils in the world will not be carried out by men with guns, but by men in suits sitting behind desks.”

Mr. Kennedy wrote an ambitious book.  He provides the reader with a good historical and political grounding on what has happened to produce this COVID debacle and the role of Fauci, Gates, and others who were at the epicenter.  He reveals the development of the Fauci Empire that began with his manipulations during the HIV/AIDS era and continues with Fauci as il capo di tutti capi of medical research funding and public health medical journal influence that continues to this day.  more here

22 Comments on Can anything good come from a Kennedy?

  1. I’m looking forward to reading this. I have high expectations considering its authored by a Kennedy, but this is something he is rightfully focused on, and he’s seems fearless in his conclusions. Not only that, my wild assed liberal brother can’t stand him, so he has that going for him.

  2. ya I’ve got that book and while it’s highly informative RFK Jr starts out early with his vicious commentary remarks against prezTrump which was totally unnecessary and vindictive. Neither does RFK Jr mention the complicity and sinister collaboration of the DEMOCRAT Biden and his vile democrat party. Typical democrat who uses his published work as a vehicle to smear the one lone crusader seen in prezT who only wanted to make the US a better place. Gave away the book.

  3. The media has finally gotten off its haunches and started to trash Kennedy’s book, but what is weird is the dog which isn’t barking; Kennedy is very harsh in his criticism of Fauci and the AIDS epidemic, and he makes some outlandish claims about HIV and AIDS which fly in the face of conventional wisdom.

    But the media focuses on trivial nitpicking and gossip in their criticism, almost entirely avoiding Kennedy’s claims about AIDS, which would seem to be the sharpest point of criticism they could choose. Why is that?

  4. I bought it and it’s full of horrifying information that everybody needs to know.

    Don’t believe every single word because even though it’s Democrats trying to kill the human race, he’s still one. For example, he’s still believes and spreads the BS that Trump said to inject bleach.

  5. As a retired clinical lab scientist, I’ve been following this entire COVID debacle since the beginning. Having seen RFK Jr’s hour-long interview with Tucker on FOX NATION, I ordered his book. Couldn’t put it down!!! His documentation (around 2,200 citations and sources) is far beyond anything I’ve ever encountered while researching anything in the clinical sciences. Get this book and READ IT! It will open your eyes to everything that’s been going on out there!!


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