Can Joe Biden raise enough money to be a contender? – IOTW Report

Can Joe Biden raise enough money to be a contender?


If Vice President Joe Biden decides to mount a 2016 presidential bid, his chances will rest heavily on his ability to raise enormous sums of money, something that he has not exactly excelled at in previous races. [more at CFPI

11 Comments on Can Joe Biden raise enough money to be a contender?

  1. The only donations Biden might get are the ones from the people who buy into the media’s (and others) hype of “Bo told him to run”. I have to admit, the SOTU address would be hysterical with President Biden groping all the females upon entrance to the chamber.

  2. Sometimes the devil you know (Biden) is better than the other devil (Hillary) you know. Of course Joe isn’t saying until next month and by then Hillary will have relaunched her pathetic campaign for what, the 10th time now?

  3. That money is almost worth the money being cranked out on the Fed printing presses these days.
    Remember the Ray Stevens video on him running his household like the government printing out his own money?

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