Can someone go to Kammy’s house and close her window, please? – IOTW Report

Can someone go to Kammy’s house and close her window, please?

Seems to be worried about windows for some reason.

29 Comments on Can someone go to Kammy’s house and close her window, please?

  1. “… the fact that that window is still opening, although open, although it is absolutely narrowing …”

    Diametrically opposed concepts in a single sentence fragment.
    If the “window” is “opening” how can it be “absolutely narrowing?”

    This isn’t just the usual politispeak of meaningless bullshit – this is the maundering of a seriously confused mind. It’s almost as though she had no idea what she wanted to express, or that she didn’t want to express ANYTHING AT ALL!
    And instead of “No Comment” babbled this bullshit that was worthy of Sandy O’Cortez. It is also possible that she has no clear understanding of what she’s seen and heard from the EuroTrash maggots or her purpose.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. What about the shutters and blinds, Kamala?

    If we adjust them the right way we can have a diplomatic cross breeze running through the political house and indirect lighting on our negotiations.

  3. Have you ever heard a better “It is, but it isn’t.” explanation for something?

    A ≠ A in her head. Could be why she giggles at everything. She literally can’t think.

  4. Man, the ONLY way to survive the remaining three years of the Biden regime is to get my hands on whatever the Hell Horizontal Harris is smoking! That is some good dope, for sure!


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