‘Can someone teach my black ass how to use the internet??’… – IOTW Report

‘Can someone teach my black ass how to use the internet??’…

Biden’s condescension is not appreciated.

64 Comments on ‘Can someone teach my black ass how to use the internet??’…

  1. We just had our DCMA QAR out here signing off some parts we are shipping. He’s black. And funnier than hell. He needs to get on line to sign the parts off. When he started logging on I asked him if he needed any help with that. I think he’s still laughing. I know my abbs are sore.

    When you find the Internet page that says “Congratulation you have reached the last page on the Internet.” Use the “Go Back” << bottom at the top of your browser to return to the First page of the internet.

  3. C’mon man, everyone knows that rural and urban blacks don’t know how to access the internet. I mean, they’re helpless without Papa Joe to show them how to live their lives.

  4. Well first you need to goto control panel->network settings-> turn on TCP/IP. Then insert the 3.5″ disk you got from IT and run install.exe to install Trumpet Winsock. Then go into settings and select 8N1 compression. Run Trumpet Winsock Dial-Up and enter the local phone number you were provided from your ISP. Once connected, launch Gopher to get to university documents or Netscape to browse the Word Wide Web. Don’t forget to put in “http://” before the web address.

    It used to be somewhat complicated, Joe, in 1995.

  5. My buddy, who is black and was born and raised in Greenville on the Mississippi Delta said to me one time that he couldn’t understand how any black man could ever cast a vote for one of the condescending motherfuckers and he was talking about Democrats, and especially white Democrats.

  6. We all know how tone-deaf Jackass Joe is, but I think this just goes to show how tone-deaf his handlers are to let him wander around off the chain making stupid comments like this!! These Assholes are just as Goddamned dumb!! Take a good look Liberals! You’re finding out that there are things in the universe that are a whole lot worse than Donald Trump!!!

  7. Did…..did Herbert the Pervert just say BLACKS DON’T KNOW HOW TO WORK!?!?!?


    So much for my efforts at race relations today. Gave a black guy a free piece of whiskey pecan pie cuz’ he ordered a half rack of ribs and everyone else wanted pulled pork or tri tip sammiches….or this weird pork ham melted cheese Cuban sammich.

    PRO TIP: order the damn ribs at a rib joint. Sammiches are for yankees.

  8. If Dominion hadn’t gotten into the mix at least 84-87% black libtard voters would have actually picked Racist Uncle Joe for president.

    They got what they deserve.

    Democrat black voters may finally find out just how much they’re going to lose. Uncle Joe’s just getting started treating blacks like they’re inferior.

    *tiny violin plays* while Demwit black libtards figure out how to use the Internet to complain about their “president” LOL!

  9. TRF. His handlers want him speaking Joe talk. A few more of these moronic statements and they can use them to declare him unfit and push the equally moronic Kamalala into the number one spot

    Not sure what happens when she then starts making stupid statements – who do they bring in? Oh yeah. The power hungry Madam Boxwine

  10. 99th

    She’s not black. well she is when it’s convenient so is Hillary. “I don’t feels no way tired”. Really? Exactly who was she addressing? Stop and think about the decision to say something like that. I don’t think she knows and American Blacks. Except for Bill of course. Americas first black president. These people are insulting and insane and the keep managing to hold office. It’s like tyrannical or something.

  11. @Brad;
    How’d you know i was married to a white woman? 20+ years now. Good thing my 2 boys are married to white women, too – elsewise we wouldn’t be able to communicate with one another over the interwebz!

  12. Oh. bless your heart, Dear Brad.
    Are you not aware of the “One Drop” rule?
    Designed and implement by Kamal Mao’s racist heroes like Margaret Sanger.

    Mz. Harris is indeed black – even an American black person – in her delusional leftist world.

    Heres a liberal synopsis definition of thr Onr Drop Rule;

    https://youtu.be/BrbppVlPpG4 .

  13. 99th
    I had no idea. You learn something new everyday. However, if that’s the case I think I’m more black than Kami. Where are my reparations damn it.
    What slow Joe said was not an accident. This is all about continuing mail in voting.

  14. The “One Drop” rule. I’d go get a blood draw or a genetic test to see where I’m at but I think I’ll pass on that. googlefacebooksnapchat23andmebillfuckinggatesfuckingfauchi will have to dig a little deeper. I’m not giving it to them.

  15. TommyBoy

    LOL, well you’re on the internet so I just figured. No man you mentioned a couple months back. We should all start identifying as orange. That’ll fuck them up. From now on when your filling out one of those damn government forms that want to know your ethnicity we should all check the “other box”and write in Orange. Fuck these bastards.

  16. Brad. Yes, we’re all on a learning curve in life. Never ending.

    The left are evil beyond belief. Just imagine how deceitful and manipulative racists are to even imply a person based on one drop of blood determines race.
    How could that be proven effectively before DNA testing? Very certain snitchimg was encouraged in this case when it started. Straight out of the communist playbook.

    Obviously, the purpose was to control the “masses” and weed out “undesirables” so they could be isolated and denied inalienable rights.

    Liberal black people still joke about and stupidly believe one drop makes sense.
    Part of the reason they overwhelmingly vote Democrat. They believe the right created that lie. When will they EVER learn not to be hoodwinked by the left. Probably never.

  17. 99th, I’m good with that. I did just visit AZ. I’ve actually spent some time there on biz but never for relaxation. I enjoyed the heck out of the desert this time. As long as we are all in the same spot I guess. It may come to that.

  18. 99th, well you know Aaron Burr is already in AZ working as a non Profit chef. And I’m pretty darn good with a smoker or grill. As is Joe6pak. Plus, I mix a mean Margarita. My only question is, what the heck are we waiting on.

  19. Hey Loco, speaking of margaritas, it’s seems like I remember the margaritas we were drinking after the Trump Rally was something unusual. I remember they were good but I can’t remember what they were. Maybe Jalapeño margaritas.

  20. Brad, men folk do make THE best barbecue. My dad could have taught a Barbecue Master Class.
    AZ sounds great, but a little too hot for me. I like all four seasons.

    BTW, What are we waiting for? Possibly, holding out hope this Xiden nightmare will end soon. His admin. is folding in on itself and the leftists hordes are at the WH gate.

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