Can US Media Be Prosecuted for Being Unregistered Foreign Agents? – IOTW Report

Can US Media Be Prosecuted for Being Unregistered Foreign Agents?

From Democrat Party Media to Foreign Agents?


ET: Jesse Liu, the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia, and John Demers, head of the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) National Security Division (NSD), unsealed a grand jury indictment of Gregory Craig, who served as White House counsel to Barack Obama, on April 11.

It’s the NSD that is tasked with enforcing the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA), a law passed by Congress that requires all persons working on behalf of a foreign government or entity to disclose that by registering and affirming they are representing foreign and not U.S. interests in their influencing activities …WATCH.

5 Comments on Can US Media Be Prosecuted for Being Unregistered Foreign Agents?

  1. And it isn’t against the 1A.
    “Congress shall make no law …….abridging the freedom of….. the press……….”

    Bring on the easy chairs, popcorn and cold drinks.


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