Can we please get rid of Daylight Savings Time? – IOTW Report

Can we please get rid of Daylight Savings Time?

American Thinker: Tonight we lose sleep thanks to the start of daylight savings time, an annual circadian rhythm disruption that results in excess deaths from sleep deprivation–related causes such as car accidents and heart attacks and a negative economic impact from reduced spending, not to mention widespread grumpiness, bleary eyes, headaches, and other discomforts.  First implemented in Germany and Austria-Hungary in World War I, and the USA followed, the whole enterprise is premised on the idea of saving energy by eliminating the need for artificial light for an extra hour in the evening.

Unfortunately, the evidence indicates that in practice, no energy savings result.  read more

50 Comments on Can we please get rid of Daylight Savings Time?

  1. I look forward to it every year. It is the sign of winter on it’s way out and SPRING on the way in. It always gives me a boost in mood.
    Who cares about energy and as far as “losing” sleep, if it bothers you that much…..go to bed an hour earlier, snitpuss.

  2. I’m surprised AOC hasn’t introduced legislation to outlaw it to reduce global warming…that extra hour of daylight has to be a major contributor!

  3. Me, personally being more offended by losing or gaining an hour annually, is the having to put up with shit stains historically elected decade after decade.
    Yawn, rest well all.

  4. Throw off the shackles of your Austrian oppressors! Liberate your clocks and free your minds! Unwind tyranny!!! Long live the glorious revol…. hang on…. hang on…

    We already did this Arizona.

    You people are on your own.

  5. …I work in a food plant, which is heavily, legally dependant on accurate timekeeping. I just spent the last 3 hours setting clocks in various types of equipment and record keeping devices, none of which can be made to or are allowed to auto update. So, yes, dump DST. PLEASE!

  6. March is the worst month of the year in Virginia. Rainy, windy, cold. I get more light and want to do stuff outside after work, but can’t because of the above.

    Kinda torture, really. From May to November I am OK with it. If it was to change it should stay DST. Would rather have sunset at 6 in the winter.

  7. The FedGov snaps its fingers and 360 Million people jump!
    DST is absolute foolishness.
    Imbecility parading as necessity.
    As someone wrote here (the last time we obeyed this idiocy) change it by half an hour and be done with it!

    “If I could save time in a bottle …”

    Gov’t can’t “save” time any more than it can “save” money.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. changing the clocks does nothing to save daylight.
    don’t think doing it just before tax day and just before election day doesn’t have anything to do with it.

  9. I went to bed last night at 8:30 PM PST so I could wake up at 5:30 AM PDT (it’s really 4:30 AM) so I would be awake to listen to Ranger Doug’s classic cowboy corral on my satellite radio at 6 AM. The only reason that I like DST this time of yr. is that the sun is now setting at nearly 7 PM (and we’re less than 3 weeks from the opening of baseball season, woo hoo), but I would prefer to have standard time all year especially in the Summer when the Sun would be up before 4 in the morning like when I was a kid. I’m a morning person and like the Sun to rise as early as possible even though that drives a lot of people nuts.

  10. It’s for the farmers. It’s to save energy. It’s for the children. It’s too light in the morning. It’s too dark at night.

    Let’s fall back one half hour this fall and call it even.

  11. Another clear indicator that Washington is not addressing the wishes of the average voter. Maybe they need yet another investigation and panel to look into repealing the AOC, (adjust our clocks) law.

  12. I live in farm country. Farmers don’t care about that extra hour of daylight. Their machines have huge lights on them and they run them all night long. DST made sense when there were no lights. It’s pointless now, like most government things.

  13. @geoff the aardvark – yeah, those were the days when first light was slightly after 03:00 a.m. at 48 Deg.N. When sleeping outside under a clear sky in the summer, I used to wake up at that hour just to see it – and marvel at it.

  14. I’m almost at 49 Deg. N. here in Eastern Wash. and I love the early sunrises up here during the Spring and Summer. We don’t need to be artificially changing our clocks twice a year just to get a little extra daylight in the Summer, besides up here the Sun doesn’t set till nearly 9-9:30 PM in the middle of the Summer. And over in Mt. in the Mountain time zonethe Sun stays out even later which is great. And we should all remember the old saying, it’s not nice to fool with Mother nature. And besides the older I get the more contrary I’ve become so I just might not set my clocks for DST if they keep it and just show up an hr. later or an hr. earlier depending on the time of the yr.

  15. @But, no. is correct. The perfect compromise is to move the clocks ahead 30 minutes once and never change them again. Both sides get half of what they want and we can watch our neighbors’ heads explode like The Kingsman.

    Can I have extra butter for my popcorn?

  16. To get everyone gradually used to time change,clocks should be set back 10 minutes at the end of every month for six months then ahead 10 minutes for the remaining six months.
    It would simplify everything.

  17. Actually being a farmer, we much prefer the extra hour of daylight in the evening. We’re up year round before the sun comes up, but that added hour in the evening gives us more time to get stuff done after supper along with more daylight in the evening to sit on the porch after all the work is done.

    Not to mention many farmers these days have a day job or run a separate business during the day. So that extra hour of daylight really comes in handy.

  18. Hate Daylight Savings Time. Technology has taken care of the so-called time deficit. It messes with my Body Clock/Circadian Rhythm.
    Makes me sleepy and tired for about a week until I adjust to this stupid unesscessary time change. Time to definitely get rid of DSL – Overdue!

  19. It sucks. I’ve always hated it. I’ll be fine until about Thursday. And then sleep deprivation sets in. Hey, I’m old. There’s been studies done on life expectancy and sleep deprivation. They’re not pretty.

  20. This is crazy. Not only is the Government running out of warehouses to store all the saved daylight, they can’t release it because of the effect it will have on global warming. Stop the madness now!


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