Can We Say Kangaroo Court and Conflict of Interest? – IOTW Report

Can We Say Kangaroo Court and Conflict of Interest?

Baltimore State’s Attorney should step down over her links to Freddie Gray family’s lawyer, says police group after she ruled that six cops must face charges over black man’s murder

  • State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby, 35, is in charge of the investigation into the death of Freddie Gray after four months in the job
  • She announced on Friday morning that Gray’s death was a homicide 
  • Arrest warrants issued for all 6 officers who detained and drove Freddie Gray, 25, on April 12
  • A veteran Baltimore defense attorney, Warren Brown, said Mosby was under huge pressure to indict and had close links to Gray’s family attorney
  • Billy Murphy gave to Mosby’s campaign and was described as her ‘mentor’
  • Warren Brown said he had supported Mosby’s opponent in the election for State’s Attorney last year  


10 Comments on Can We Say Kangaroo Court and Conflict of Interest?

  1. As much as I dislike this decision, I think they’re just kicking the can down the road a bit. They are trying to get their moronic electorate under control, mitigate the riots and burning somewhat, probably knowing that this will not end well.

    My bet is no conviction.

  2. Paging Mike Nifong.

    Because I’m curious the racial breakdown of the officers appears to be 3 black and 3 white.

    This is shaping up to be a bigger sham than the Zimmerman trial and Darren Wilson persecution by the press and black grievance industry.

  3. Gene Ryan, the local FOP flack, has just as much conflict of interest baggage as Mosby, if not more, and is a very black pot to be decrying the kettle. An honest person would be just as skeptical of everything he says as he would be of everything Mosby says. My opinion is that by default I should regard everything out of either mouth on this matter as at best extreme spin but more likely…OK, I’ll be polite…disingenuous.

  4. I will likely be in the minority here, but I will take a “wait and see” attitude on this whole mess. I agree that the rioting was completely unwarranted, and Mr. Gray may have had a checkered background, but whether or not the police were justified in treating him as they did is still up in the air.

    My stance is probably tainted by the fact that in the past, and perhaps currently, some police officers in the Los Angeles area used to subject suspects to a “rough ride.” They would handcuff detainees, put them in the squad car, and then alternate between goosing the gas and slamming on the brakes so that the arrestee would bash his head against the wire barrier between the seats. It was a way to inflict punishment on an arrestee without actually hitting him.

    Did the arrestees deserve this type of treatment? Some can argue “yes,” but the police should be held to a higher standard than common street people. I have absolutely no problem with necessary use of force to subdue an arrestee, but once that person is under control, there is no call to do anything that causes further physical injury to the arrestee.

    But Wyatt, the police have a tough job. I recognize that – that is why in resisting arrest situations, I almost always give the police officers the benefit of the doubt. I have never been in those situations, but I can imagine that if a suspect is resisting arrest or charging me, what I think is reasonable force under those immediate circumstances would not be within official guidelines and more typical of a scared and very nervous individual. But once an arrestee is under control, police officers need to follow their training and department protocol. Rough rides are not official protocol.

    Most police officers do a great, and frequently thankless job. But sometimes a few officers get out of hand, and in this situation, I think I will take a wait and see attitude to see if this is the case.

  5. It is possible his cardiac arrest was secondary to being taser shot. We don’t know how many times and for what duration he was tased. If he was on drugs that might make him more likely to suffer complications as well.

  6. Barry, Val J. and Holder are most likely the puppeteers of the State’s Attorney, in this leftist, race baiting carnival in Baltimore. Gray was a menace who lived by the sword and may have died by the “Rough Ride” sword. What is more disturbing is what is happening to these officers.

  7. No craps given for the destruction of a ghetto rat-hole like Baltimore. A lot of people from MD move down south to where I live and they all seem to bring their idiot Northerner voting preferences with them. As a result, I guess my city will soon suck. Thanks northern dems.

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