Can We Trust Barr & Durham? – IOTW Report

Can We Trust Barr & Durham?

Sara Carter on AMERICA First | Sebastian Gorka Radio.
Sara speaks about The Joe Biden Kameleon Harris ticket,
and she tells Barr and Durham to put up or shut up.

19 Comments on Can We Trust Barr & Durham?

  1. Yeah, but some guy we never heard of before who is now being described as one of the kingpins in the FISA warrant fraud has been indicted. What is there to be cynical about?

  2. I doubt we can trust anyone in the establishment. I can hope that Barr and Durham do find something and will hold someone responsible. Am I confident in that? Right now am setting it at a coin flip.

  3. Once we (as a nation) accepted lies, dissimulation, and verisimilitude as legitimate forms of political discourse, we consigned ourselves to Hell. These are the devices of evil – or dissolution, if you’re more comfortable with that. It appears that the Clintons opened the floodgates on our, not only accepting, but extolling prevarication and mendacity as public virtues.
    Hence, we EXPECT lies from our “servants.”
    Some of us even seem to relish them (Demonrats, for instance).

    As stated (or implied) above, only a fool trusts other than God.

    Thus far, Durham has shown absolutely NOTHING – whether that’s good or bad for the Republic, only time will tell (not to imply that he’s DONE nothing – only that there are no results, yet). Barr’s contributions to civilization are mostly in his bolstering President Trump’s legal positions – but why he suffers Wray and a thoroughly corrupt FBI is a mystery.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. they’ve had years. If they haven’t done anything yet and they just want to get a few headlines during election season, that tell us all we need to know.

  5. The first one indicted is a sacrificial lamb they’ve only used to draw the heat off themselves and even at that most of the charges he could’ve been charged with have been deferred.
    That aside, nobody can convince me this isn’t being slow walked.

  6. The left has their enemies doing federal time before they can get “what are the charges” out of their mouths and all Barr has is this effeminate 3rd stringer to show for all of these months of investigation?

  7. I’m trying too. Realizing patience is needed because they are stalking clever, big dangerous game, with a reputation or history of being able to escape well planned traps designed to deliver to them the justice and prison time they deserve.

    But take to long planning how-to, instead of actually catching them. They may find themselves fired by new bosses with no interest in capturing the SOBs.

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