Can you imagine making a joke and facing death as a result? – IOTW Report

Can you imagine making a joke and facing death as a result?

“During his interrogation, Sina was told that if he signed a confession and repented, he would be pardoned and let go,” said the source in an interview with CHRI on March 21, 2017. “Unfortunately, he made a childish decision and accepted the charges. Then they sentenced him to death.” “Later he admitted that he signed the confession hoping to get freed,” said the source. “Apparently the authorities also got him to confess in front of a camera as well.”  – Article @ gatestone institute

14 Comments on Can you imagine making a joke and facing death as a result?

  1. We should definitely import millions more of these shit into the West, so we can enjoy this type of society here, too.

    At least until the last one of us is run over, bombed, shot, stabbed, or killed in some other fashion by one of these sub-human creatures.

    If the presence of muslims continues to be tolerated in the West, we can look forward to this being done to every last one of us, and our descendants, eventually.

    Islam is a lethal disease, and – as a society – we should not be actively trying to kill ourselves with it.

    They have no place here.

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