Canada 2019: World’s First MEME COUNTRY – IOTW Report

Canada 2019: World’s First MEME COUNTRY


17 Comments on Canada 2019: World’s First MEME COUNTRY

  1. I think the TV show “Due South” was the high water mark of Canadian power, culture, & influence. The fact Sydney Crosby plays hockey in PITTSBURGH, only shows how far Canadia has fallen… 😛

  2. They gotta get rid of Castro’s bastard son first, and create a real conservative movement. Alberta is the center of Canadian conservatism. It’s had an excellent economy for decades, but it is forced to give up some wealth every year to the less fortunate provinces. It’s mind-boggling transfer-theft on a national level. Sheesh! Only liberals could think of ways to legalize theft on such a vast scale.

  3. In Canada’s case, its mostly women who voted for him and put him in leadership. It happened here with Obama too. What gives with some of these stupid cackling hens? They always fall for losers, who apparently have some sort of sex appeal.

  4. Wimmin voting? I hate to say it leads to problems but what other explanation is there? Emotion vs practicality. Feelings vs objectivity. Gays vs hetero’s. It takes a strong women to be conservative.

  5. @Tim Buktu December 27, 2018 at 8:27 pm

    > What gives with some of these stupid cackling hens? They always fall for losers

    Those hens who beat their pruning hooks into spears, killed their husbands, beat their plowshares into swords, and swept across the land like Huns led by Alexander? For great justice general suffrage!

  6. @Charlie WalksonWater December 28, 2018 at 12:16 am

    > founders were right again. Only men who are landowners got the vote.

    “The Party decides who is allowed to rent The Party’s land. And those whom The Party allows to rent The Party’s land, will be allowed to vote for those who The Party chooses to list as acceptable Party members to hold Party titles. For now.”

    How far we have fallen.

  7. Second largest country on Earth and all the people crammed together like sardines.
    The manhood of Canada was destroyed in the wars of the 20th Century – like that of Mother England and the rest of the UK, Germany, and France – so that nothing remains but the flower-pot jerk-offs of the back-benchers and sissies.
    Thus, a simulacrum of a man – Justin Trudeau – can become First among Many.

    They interpret the World’s laughter as cheers – the World’s derision as praise – the World’s sick-to-the-stomach as titillation.

    Ah, well …

    izlamo delenda est …


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