Canada: Arabic newspaper publishes calls for Muslims to kill Jews – IOTW Report

Canada: Arabic newspaper publishes calls for Muslims to kill Jews

Jihad Watch: Canadian citizens have been lectured by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau that Canada is “tolerant” and that “diversity” is our strength. But what does the Prime Minister have to say about the gross anti-semitism coming from Islamic supremacists inside Canada?

  • A Canadian Arabic newspaper has recently published a hadith, accounts of sayings attributed directly to Muhammad, that speaks about Muslims killing Jews as part of the final Islamic fight to establish Sharia law and justice in the entire world.
  • The same hadith appears in online books on the websites of Canadian Islamic organizations and was recited in sermons and lectures in mosques.
  • Canadian imams also recite prayers to Allah to annihilate disbelievers, enemies of Islam.  MORE

12 Comments on Canada: Arabic newspaper publishes calls for Muslims to kill Jews

  1. Don’t judge, that’s their cultcha! Now say the blessed Rosary to absolve your racism or St. Peter will cast you out!

  2. Windsor is just across Detroit River from the “motor city.” And “over ten thousand copies distributed a month in the Windsor, London and Michigan areas (including all shops, mosques and residential complexes).”

  3. Not to be construed as hate speech, it’s islamic tradition and culture.
    This is acceptable by PC governments world-wide.

    But don’t dare to say muhammad was perverted pedophile, murdering, cross dressing, false prophet, as you will find yourself prosecuted in government court for hate speech or headless.

  4. mohammedans gotta mohammedan – gotta goatfu-… I mean, “kill joos,” every chance they get, if they’re gonna get beat up by 72 Virginians in the afterlife! 🙄

  5. allah is a stone idol, so you can see why their religion makes them morally bankrupt and homicidally crazy. They have to force the nonsense onto other people to try and validate their fake god and “prophet.” They hate and want to kill Christians as much as they hate Jews.

  6. This is just a wake up call for all Jews and Christian to call on God repentantly to silence this anti Christ religion call just a simple reasoning for sensible person to know that they are satanic agent if you will have to kill for your god when the true God desire all men to be saved from destruction. If you are still out there without Jesus in your life,pls surrender to him today,so that He can give you eternal life.

  7. Heh, heh … anti-Semitic Semites!
    Makes you wonder just how stupid “big mo” really was!
    Jews and musselmen are from the same source – they are brothers!

    Makes your head scratch …

    izlamo delenda est …


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