Canada: CBC Purchases Anti-Trump Billboards and Transit Signs – IOTW Report

Canada: CBC Purchases Anti-Trump Billboards and Transit Signs

CTH:Apparently Canadian media are taking their hatred for U.S. President Donald Trump to new levels of opposition.  The taxpayer funded CBC news media is purchasing billboards and transit advertisement throughout Canada to promote a campaign against the sitting U.S. President.

SOURCE: “”TRUMP BAD!” ads are appearing throughout Canada attacking him for wanting to secure the border with Mexico using a historically illiterate comparison to the Berlin Wall. I’ve seen these on Vancouver transit also” (link)

Even for the ultra-leftists within Canada, this antagonistic approach toward the United States is quite remarkable. [Former President Barack Obama was in Canada yesterday.]

D’oh Canada, this will not end well for the Canadian government…  Additionally, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is up for reelection this year. more


10 Comments on Canada: CBC Purchases Anti-Trump Billboards and Transit Signs

  1. Love it: Canadian Broadcasting Corporation Motto:
    “We deceive. You Believe” The Berlin Wall??? WTF?

    Ditto CNN and WAPO.
    New York Times Motto: “All the news we deem fit to print.”

  2. I saw a video yesterday. The person making the video was saying that the concept of nationalism is taking root in Canada. Given that the CBC is Trudeau’s official government-sponsored PR agency, these billboards are probably more aimed at trying to hold back patriotic Canadians more than they are going after Trump as such.

  3. Maybe Justine and Barry can spend some quality time at Man’s Country. After a bottle of pink chablis and a good rub down they can get things straight between them.

  4. I just read on zerohedge that the demonrats just voted to allow illegals to vote. These fuckers are traitors and need to be physically removed from office.

  5. I also think it’s horrible that Trump is building a wall to keep our citizens and undocumented residents from fleeing the United States for the friendly embrace of Mexico, Central America and South America – just like East Germany built their Berlin wall to keep West Germans out.


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