Canada: Clueless Tourist Approaches Bull Elk During Rutting Season For Close Up Picture – IOTW Report

Canada: Clueless Tourist Approaches Bull Elk During Rutting Season For Close Up Picture

Unofficial Networks: Videos like this make me cringe down to my bones.

A tourist approached an absolutely humongous bull elk a couple of years back in the Canadian Rockies so he could get a close up photo. The person filming this video yells at him to back up as he’s putting himself in immense danger.

Bull elk are extremely unpredictable during rutting season, and this guy was practically asking to be gored by this elk’s huge antlers. Thank goodness he backed away and wasn’t injured, but maybe he should do a little research before shoving a cellphone in a bull elk’s face next time he visits…

“Im just here to remind you that Bull Elk are incredibly unpredictable and aggressive at this time of year. Stay in your car and never approach them.” MORE

21 Comments on Canada: Clueless Tourist Approaches Bull Elk During Rutting Season For Close Up Picture

  1. Back when I regularly hunted elk in Colorado, I’d have elk walk within yards of me while I was hunkered down among boulders or concealed under trees. It’s an awesome experience to be that close to wild elk but sometimes can be a little unnerving, too. If you remain perfectly still and silent and if they don’t smell you, they will sometimes stand there and stare at you. They will have the strangest look of bewilderment on their faces and will stomp the ground to try to get you to reveal yourself. I have sat and watched a dozen or more gather ten yards in front of me and try to figure out what I was, occasionally turning to look at each other as if to say, “What the hell is that”? Nature is great!

  2. Saw a bunch of people doing pretty much the same thing at Rocky Mountain National Park. The second time it false charged but moved a few feet, the fools scattered like mad. Pipples is dumb.

  3. While on vacation — in Montana — we got to watch (from a considerable distance) a herd led by the bull as another, younger bull tried to separate some of the cows from the herd. The older bull would have none of it, and forced the other bull out a couple of times. They didn’t get into a fight. I think the wishful bull was much younger and new he was out-classed. It was fascinating to watch. Madison Valley.

  4. when you know that you knew, was it new? can we say no to what we know? is what we know known now? or what is known none? or is it nothing gnu under the sun?

    I know now my head hurts, or hertz … know what I mean?

  5. Reminds me of an incident (lo, many years ago). We were touring Yellowstone, and my dad decided to get up close and personal with a moose. Fortunately, he didn’t get close enough to spook the moose, and he walked away unscathed.

  6. There is no “FILM” involved no one is “FILMING” stop saying filming unless you are actually using film. Stupid americans, and you wonder why your country is so screwed up?

  7. That is a beautiful, majestic intelligent creature makng a sincere effort not to gore and stomp to death that suicidal, narcissistic freak taking his picture.

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