Canada: Doug Ford Says Carbon Tax’s ‘Days Are Numbered’ In Ontario – IOTW Report

Canada: Doug Ford Says Carbon Tax’s ‘Days Are Numbered’ In Ontario

DC: Ontario Premier-Elect Doug Ford repeated his promise Friday to end carbon pricing in the province.

Ford said he will end the cap-and-trade system promoted by the previous provincial Liberal government while fighting the federal government’s carbon tax, the Financial Post reported.

“Today, I want to confirm that in Ontario the carbon tax’s days are numbered,” Ford told reporters in Toronto. “In fact, upon the swearing in of my new cabinet, at the top of our agenda the very first item will be to pass an order to cancel the Liberal cap-and-trade carbon tax.”

The cap-and-trade scheme claims to lower greenhouse gasses by capping emissions on targeted industries; emissions in excess of the cap means a company is penalized and has to seek points from companies with lower emissions. Ontario participates in a cap-and-trade partnership with neighboring Quebec and the equally debt-ridden state of California.  MORE

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