Canada: Dr. Julie Ponesse will not be silenced on forced Vaccination – IOTW Report

Canada: Dr. Julie Ponesse will not be silenced on forced Vaccination

Dr. Ponesse is the Canadian ethics professor who was fired last month as punishment for her vocal and public opposition to forced Covid Vaccinations.  Compliance with the pandemic is not a virtue. <-Video.

8 Comments on Canada: Dr. Julie Ponesse will not be silenced on forced Vaccination

  1. When is this madness going to end? I’m getting so depressed reading story after story of the deaths associated with the jab that I feel myself sinking in to a hole I can’t get out of. I just read a story about a 23 year old soccer player in Europe that died, attached to that story were at least 50 links of other young athletes around the world you have dropped dead after receiving the shot.
    My company is dutifully repeating every word the CDC says, so there’s not doubt that on January 4th I’m going to be either unemployed or forced to be tested every week (I hear now that the cost of the test will be paid by the employee). I’m 62 years old, my wife and I are raising our three grandchildren, I can’t be unemployed, but I won’t get the jab. On top of that, as a resident of the communist state of Illinois, I feel that any day now our so-called governor is going to issue vaccine mandates for schools. That will mean we have to home school the three kids.
    When is someone going to emerge as a leader to put an end to this?

  2. There are many many doctors speaking out about this but their message is only getting out on places like this, bitchute, rumble, gab, and other alternative conservative sites. MSM will not get the word out to the masses who don’t go to these places and they continue to repeat the propaganda.

    Only when their relatives and friends start dying in great numbers and they can no longer deny what really is happening to them will the horrible truth dawn on them that they have been lied to by everybody they trusted.

  3. She is absolutely right. The Nuremberg Doctor trials resulted in laws to prevent medical procedures on patients without the patient’s consent.

    Vaccination mandates are promulgated by governments seeking complete control over their populations. Fascism and communism come to mind. Liberals are unable to connect the dots.

  4. Gets too the points at 13:45…

    nco77 NOVEMBER 5, 2021 AT 12:36 PM
    Also a resident of the socialist republic of IL and the part time job might be disappearing, but my reading of the OSHA directives says the employer has to pay for the testing. Suggest you look it up for yourself.


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