CANADA: Gov. Official Responsible for Indigenous Health Fired For Faking Indigenous Status – IOTW Report

CANADA: Gov. Official Responsible for Indigenous Health Fired For Faking Indigenous Status

“To have an impostor who is speaking on behalf of Métis and indigenous people to the country about literally what it means to be Métis … that’s very disturbing and upsetting and harmful.”STORY

11 Comments on CANADA: Gov. Official Responsible for Indigenous Health Fired For Faking Indigenous Status

  1. Metis are mongrels – how can she not be a mongrel?
    Demand a gene test – should show at least 1/1024th Indian of some type – like Squaw Forked Tongue Warren.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Hello, I’m Carrie Bourassa.
    I grew up on Borsch (beet soup) Vodka, & Pilsner.
    My parents spoke Russian & Czech.
    I have never hunted or skinned an animal.
    My definition of living off the land is walking to Starbucks.
    I speak on behalf of every person whose parents emigrated to Canada, sacrificed everything to work hard and give me a better life.
    I honour them by DENYING everything they worked for, their culture, Sacrifice and values by Bringing them SHAME.

    I AM CARRIE BOURASSA appointed By Justine Turdeau (Canada’s greatest Actor)

  3. If it really mattered, they’d test her BEFORE giving her the position.

    But it doesn’t really matter… to-o-oh me.

    Yeah. Science. Competence. Culture. Cause seal skinning skills matter when performing “science”TM.


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