Canada has abandoned religion and replaced it with destructive secular values – IOTW Report

Canada has abandoned religion and replaced it with destructive secular values

Canada shows that when religious values are abandoned, they do not leave a vacuum – other values rush in to take their place, often in support of the very practices that have destroyed our communities.

(LifeSiteNews) — During the early 2000s, the New Atheist Movement – led by the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse,” Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and the lesser-known Daniel Dennett – championed the idea that “anti-theism” was the ticket to enlightenment. That is, it wasn’t just true that God didn’t exist – it was good that it was true, because the Bible was a wicked book and, as the title of Hitchens’ most famous book posited, “religion poisons everything.” 

In many ways, these men wanted the West to look like Canada – at least, in terms of rates of religious practice. According to polls, a full 89 percent of Canadians do not attend religious worship regularly (regardless of whether they identify with a religious tradition of some kind). According to data released this year by Cardus, when asked, “How often, if at all, do you read the Bible, Qu’ran, or other sacred text?,” 56 percent of respondents said never, 21 percent said rarely, 7 percent said a few times a year, 10 percent said at least monthly but less than daily, and 6 percent reported reading a sacred text daily. 

And what has been the result of this? The same month, Polling Canada released a survey of Canadian moral values. According to their data, 21 percent support polygamy; 20 percent believe suicide is morally acceptable; 19 percent were in favor of using illegal drugs (I thought that one was low); 18 percent thought it moral for married people to have affairs; 11 percent supported cloning humans, and an unthinkable 7 percent were willing to tell a pollster that they thought pedophilia morally acceptable. When religious values are abandoned, they do not leave a vacuum – other values rush in to take their place.  more

8 Comments on Canada has abandoned religion and replaced it with destructive secular values

  1. About three years ago I decided to read the Bible cover to cover, not out of any religious motive but just to do it to see what it says. Today, I’ve read it through twice and starting on my third, slower go-thru. I don’t have a study guide, I just read and think about it.

    The phrase “food for thought” applies totally.

    If the Bible were a drug, it would be highly addictive.

    It keeps me off the streets and outta trouble.


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