‘Canada has become a sad, pathetic, political joke.’ – IOTW Report

‘Canada has become a sad, pathetic, political joke.’

Viva Frei Vlawg has the details.

12 Comments on ‘Canada has become a sad, pathetic, political joke.’

  1. ecp

    Dude renewed the same contract his goofy looking old man had with the Globalists. I’m waiting for the plastered on smile to disappear after tomorrow night. Further more I want to see this asshole debate Trump. Then tell me how he lacks energy. So many bitches, so little time.
    He needs to change party affiliation.

  2. Totalitarianism is NEVER a joke – sad and pathetic or otherwise.
    State power cannot be benign – it can only function with the implicit threat of overwhelming violence.
    Sending a man to “re-education” camp is to deprive him of all the civil rights he possesses – assuming some civil rights are granted the serfs/subjects of Canada.

    Like so many others, he should escape the clutches of Canadian totality.
    Canada lost the majority of its manhood in the wars of the last century and is now a land of servitude and submission. Sad – truly sad.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. Well I was born in ’72 and America was GREAT during my childhood. Even through the Put on a sweater years this was still an Awesome place to grow up, but by the time The Gipper made Kabdaffy crap his pants and release the hostages, America was leading the way to lift the rest of the world out of the gutter!!! Even during the 90s and the 90s light This country was great ! It wasn’t until Piglosi got control in 06 and orchestrated the crash to open the door for Capt Kenyan that America began her true descent into the insanity we’re in now!!!
    Sorry i typed all that for “Clarification” thread but comments were closed…


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