Canada: ISIS jihadi deemed a danger to the public to be released anyway, will live near one of his intended targets – IOTW Report

Canada: ISIS jihadi deemed a danger to the public to be released anyway, will live near one of his intended targets

Jihad Watch:

Hamdan will live in Enderby, which is “less than 90 minutes from the Revelstoke Dam, one of the targets he had named. Randal Hyland said the dam was ‘specifically identified as a potential target for a terrorist attack’ in Hamdan’s Facebook posts, and was only a ‘relatively short drivable distance from Enderby.’”

What could possibly go wrong? Only greasy Islamophobes would be concerned about this, right?

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10 Comments on Canada: ISIS jihadi deemed a danger to the public to be released anyway, will live near one of his intended targets

  1. Western culture is dying and will continue to at an increasing speed because it has chosen to live in an imaginary world instead of the real one.

    You can’t deal with the real world when you’re living in an imaginary one.

    The question is: What will replace it?

  2. “Immigration and Refugee Board Member Geoff Rempel ordered the release of Othman Hamdan on Friday afternoon, rejecting the Canada Border Service Agency’s concerns that he is a risk to national security.”

    I think we have identified another risk to national security: Geof Rempel.

  3. The Utopian leftist have a fantasy that you can change someone’s worldview by treating them well, according to leftist ideology, and the person will come around to your enlightened way of thinking and no longer be a threat. They are explosively wrong.

  4. I’m sure he will be invited to Justine Turdo’s state residence for some tea and fucking crumpets just like Joshua Boyle.

    Then Prime Minister Prick will give him a check for all the trouble our “justice” system has put him through.


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