Canada: Jussie Trudeau’s WE Charity Scandal Intensifies – IOTW Report

Canada: Jussie Trudeau’s WE Charity Scandal Intensifies

[The third one in his tenure]

Perks! Perks! Perks!
Trudeau shuts down parliament for a month, including the committee that is investigating his latest scandal.

12 Comments on Canada: Jussie Trudeau’s WE Charity Scandal Intensifies

  1. He learned the charity grift concept from the Clintons & got his Mommy Paid “Bigly”

    The “WE” charity Paid Turd’s wife for expenses. What expenses?

    She gets free clothes, driver, daycare, food, security etc.

    Fuck Him!

    I’m Watching Trump Tonight & not the NHL, NBA, etc.

  2. In the video before that one, trudeau was being questioned and he would not answer any of them. Dude kept asking him for a dollar amount and he wouldn’t give one. And finally, the ‘lights’ went out and trudy couldn’t answer anymore questions. Crumb creep.

  3. If Barky loves him so much, maybe after several hundred attempts Jussie could become impregnated by Barky and have another of his turd babies, just like the first 2, anything is possible w/today’s fake but accurate science. Jussie’s turd baby will be easily recognized by the large indention in it’s head.

  4. Fidels sperm monster is feeling the collapse of the global cabal firewalls. They are so used to being impervious to investigation of their openly criminal acts they all got carelessly sloppy.

    Hillezibub has the goods on 95% of the swamp, but I have some hope for justice in the second term of PDJT. The Demons will burn the country down when the threat to the Kenyan Queer gets to close. They know Ruthless Baby Killer Ginsburg is done and PDJT may just be able to get 2 or 3 more on the high court.

    They are clearly panicking now.


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