Canada Lost 71,200 Jobs Last Month and is Worried About Trump in Christmas Movies? – IOTW Report

Canada Lost 71,200 Jobs Last Month and is Worried About Trump in Christmas Movies?

CTH: President Trump responded to the Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC) editing out his appearance in the Christmas movie “Home Alone 2”.

President Trump jokes Justin from Canada likely having a case of the sads after getting called out for not meeting NATO funding obligations and the new trade agreement favorable to American interests. read more

10 Comments on Canada Lost 71,200 Jobs Last Month and is Worried About Trump in Christmas Movies?

  1. To be fair, (well not fair, but…) this isn’t new – they began editing Trump out in 2015 when he began running for president. Takes a lot of TDS to edit him out of a few seconds of an old movie though.
    It is both hilarious and sad that Canadia is losing jobs while US is adding them.

  2. As a mechanic things are picking up. people are holding onto their older vehicles and putting money into repairs instead of buying new. Oil patch workers are just a little bit fed up with justine.Our high and mighty virtuous government are lost in the woods justine is hiding and has handed control to christy freeland and gerry butts(look up these two clowns to get an idea as to where we are heading)Moving south seems my best option.Vintage car and motorcycle shop could be a fun semi retirement in a warm climate.

  3. Canada has been antiAmerica for 57 years. When we invaded nam 1/63 they said America is wrong and draft dodgers are welcome here! For the young’s Jarheads hit the beach at Chu Lai Jan ’63! 1st Div had headquarters there; so I went there 4 times from ’67 to ’68. Did not participate in the invasion, THANK GOD. Men die in amphibious assaults when not being fired on! And Jarheads did die Jan ’63!

    To say Canada is a friend of America is to be ill informed.

  4. Not all of us! I have been pissing “LITERALLY” on my Canadian Flag since Turdo’s Re-Election.

    CBC was not the only Canadian Station to skip the Trump scene in HOME ALONE.

    Believe me, the stores in Canada are not as busy as they were last year. Quite a few buildings I work at are not fully leased anymore.

    It’s sad but unfortunately my fellow piece of shit Ontarians and Fuck Head Quebecers need this harsh lesson after they fucked over Alberta and Saskatchewan and re-elected Fidel’s Cock Snot!

  5. Anonymous DECEMBER 27, 2019 AT 4:08 AM
    Trudeau is canada’s obama. They reelected him, so they deserve him. And no affirmative action as an excuse. Shame on canada.

    Well we did the same damn thing so I’m not sure we have any room to criticize or laugh…

    Two terms for the purple lipped faggot.


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