Canada: Ontario resident who wants both a vagina and penis wins public funding for unique surgery – IOTW Report

Canada: Ontario resident who wants both a vagina and penis wins public funding for unique surgery

A court has ruled Ontario must pay for a penis-sparing vaginoplasty for a person who identifies as neither fully female nor fully male.

26 Comments on Canada: Ontario resident who wants both a vagina and penis wins public funding for unique surgery

  1. One sick puppy. Doesn’t that Great White North government provide for euthanasia for mentally distressed individuals? Seems the “low cost” option is the way to go

  2. It will start a whole new Genre of Porn.

    Most likely on PornHub based out of Quebec & sued many times for allowing revenge porn on its site (ALLEGEDLY)

    Now I’m getting another headache.

  3. I’m not identifying as “fully human” these days. Can I get a taxpayer-funded ticket off this rock? Anywhere in the Epsilon Eridani neighborghood would be acceptable.

  4. I feel great pity for the loons who do such things to themselves. Considering my shame over the stupidity of my youth, I cannot fathom how these people will be able to live with themselves. Since they are risking great misery for themselves, at least they are sincere.

    The people who advocate for transing the young are a whole new category of evil. They profit from the misery they create, either for pay, or because (D)irtbag politicians want ever more divisive wedge issues. THESE people should have penises grafted to their foreheads

  5. “Her name’s Hermaphroditee – and she rides a crimson shell
    You know you cannot touch her cause you’ll touch the dual glands
    With tales of brave Ulysses how his naked balls were tortured
    Tranny sirens singing sweetly ….”


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