Canada: Ottawa’s carbon tax dealt a huge blow in Alberta – IOTW Report

Canada: Ottawa’s carbon tax dealt a huge blow in Alberta

CFP- Taxpayers have won a huge victory in Alberta as the province’s court of appeal found Ottawa’s heavy-handed carbon tax to be unconstitutional.

The court’s finding that the federal Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act tramples on provincial jurisdiction – going as far to describe it as a “Trojan horse” that “substantially overrides” several parts of the constitution –  is a serious blow to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government. more

13 Comments on Canada: Ottawa’s carbon tax dealt a huge blow in Alberta

  1. The best thing that could happen to Canada is for the people to get rid of Trudeau completely. He and his party have made so many gaffes, I am dumbfounded they haven’t done so already, but we have just as many brainwashed people here as anyplace. (some of them even think our socialized health care system where you wait, and wait, and wait for an appointment with to consult with a specialist, then wait, and wait, and wait again for actual health care action is good. Agggghh!)

  2. Although it is a different form of government in Canada than the US, Trudeau shows what would happen in the US if got rid of the electoral college. The places with a large population would have all the say, no one else need apply.

  3. Is it time yet to sing Alberta Bound by Gordon Lightfoot? I liked going to Calgary when my wife’s sister was married to a Canadian guy back in the 80’s. It’s beautiful country up there but colder than hell in the Winter and I love the Canadian Rockies and especially Banff.

  4. GET OUT!

    That could be a good slogan for conservative Canadians to say to that son-of-a-whore-and-Fidel.

    Say it with the Schwarzenegger/Terminator accent when he told some poor fool to get out of his car: that gutteral German harsh thing: GET OUT!, which sounds a bit like GETD OWTD if you say it low in the throght.

  5. Different Tim@

    If you call the guy beating the shit out of you stopping to take a piss before resuming a victory, then we are doing great.

    Trudeau just gave 10 million to Ethiopia a week or so ago to help get a seat on the UN security Council. Ethiopia rewarded us by arresting 13 Canadians (who the fuck knows why they were there anyways)
    PM cock in mouth was absent during much of a rail protest that cut off the Lefties on the East coast from propane.

    The good news is that there is a rumor that he is going through a very nasty divorce from his spoiled pig nosed wife, and that he is a closet boozer. Couldn’t happent to a nicer piece of shit!

    He has screwed over the REAL MEN, WOMEN & CHILDREN, from Alberta going on 5 years now.

    Our Economy is severely unbalanced right now, Natives, Westerners want to separate and major unions are striking & on work to rule.

    To put it all in perspective:
    A pound of butter is $7 or $5.25US
    A bottle of Gray Goose Vodka is $52 or $35US
    A Gallon of GAS is about $3.17 US gallon

    So I’m Stuck at home with freezing rain, sober as a mule, while being encouraged to avoid going out because of Corona virus, as all the news agencies tell me about the strikes and negotiations with natives who do not consider themselves a part of Canada.


  6. @Justin

    Some other possibilities: Baja Siberia, Outer Greenland, South Svalbord, MooseHead, BeaverLand.

    Just kidding, Kcir. Alberta is a fine name and they should keep it.

    If Saskatchewan secedes, it might consider changing its name to Susquatchewan – that would bring the tourists hoping to catch a glimpse of the elusive and probably non-existing beast.

  7. “Taxpayers have won a huge victory in Alberta as the province’s court of appeal found Ottawa’s heavy-handed carbon tax to be unconstitutional.”

    I know this is in canada but we have the same situation here in the usa.

    how come the taxpayers need the unreliable courts to defend them from such nonsense????

    government of the people by the people….

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