Canada: Man Pepper-Sprayed for not wearing a mask at Tim Hortons – IOTW Report

Canada: Man Pepper-Sprayed for not wearing a mask at Tim Hortons

We’re living through some bizarre times, to say the least.

26 Comments on Canada: Man Pepper-Sprayed for not wearing a mask at Tim Hortons

  1. I went stand-up paddling this morning in Marina del Rey. At the far end of my out-and-back paddle I stop on the dock of a yacht club, which often has a dozen or so rowers launching in those long, narrow single sculls. I understand them all wearing masks while putting the boats in the water (well not really but compliance I suppose), but several of these young athletic people kept them on as they started rowing! You aren’t gonna win any races that way buddy.

  2. It was the customer’s fault. If he had a baseball bat and started wrecking the store while shouting “No Justice, No Peace” or “it’s Donald Trump’s fault” or “defund the fascist police” while waiting for his coffee, he would have been fine. As an added bonus, he probably could have conked the barista on the noggin on the way out. You apparently don’t need a mask while peacefully protesting like this.

    Well, it is Canada, so he should probably throw in a “Justin Trudeau is a god and I love his socks” for good measure. Canadians are kinda wacky nowadays.

  3. Gin blossom, apparently the herds of sheep are thinning out as they get fed up. I just read where Lowe’s will no longer have employees put themselves in harm’s way by requiring them to enforce the store’s mask rule. Instead the management is asking customers to comply voluntarily.

    Pay attention, Home Depot.

  4. It seems to me the trouble is the store owners get fined. Another Golden goose for the government.
    They’re between a rock and a hard space. Something’s gotta give, this is ridiculous.

  5. Do the magic words “I can’t wear a mask because I have a medical condition” not work in Canada? You follow that with “Why are you standing so close if you’re worried about catching the Wuhan from me?”

  6. I watched too much of that. The law states a well-fitted mask that covers the mouth and nose. We have the first cop that is seen pulling his mask back up over his nose in the first few seconds, and of course the third cop who doesn’t even have a mask, and I can’t see the 2nd cop well enough to make judgement.

    So you have at least 3 of 4 people fighting over proper mask wearing that aren’t properly wearing a mask.

    It would be a better use of force if they were fighting over whose daddy is stronger than the other’s.


  7. …I had to help manage a 14 year old stampede once when a kid uncorked one of those keychain Mace thingies that you can buy in the back of comic books and such in a VERY large, well-ventilated indoor mall entertainment area, and we still spent a festive afternoon flushing weepy juvenile eyes out with saline improbably (but effectively!) delivered via nasal cannula.

    And Tim Horton’s is a MUCH smaller place, so everyone IN there (were it in the States, anyway) would have a cause of action against the City if they even PRETENDED to get sneezy. Bad judgement on the LEO, IMHO.

    …that said, guy was basically a trespassor when TH said they wanted him out. Businesses can ban people, which you can then argue in civil courts (again, U.S., don’t know Norther law so much), but LEO kind of has to remove guy if business wants him removed. This couldn’t have gone ANYWHERE but some kind of ugly at that point.

    And speaking personally, I HOPE it was just to make a point. I’ve been to Tim Horton’s upstate (that’s what was in the hotel parking lot, so when in Rome…), and it SUCKED. The sandwiches were dry and overcooked, the donuts were chewey and gross and the cream filling was probably burst pimple material or worse, and the staff were a pack of rude assholes apparently unacquainted with washing. There’s nothing there worth a cart, let alone getting arrested for, again IMHO, go to Duncan’s or Krispy Irene, it’s a LOT less nasty…and apparently a lot less Nazi, too, but THAT may be something that APPEALS to French tastes, at least it has historically…

  8. …I got a kick out of the people ignoring the hell out of the nearby mayhem because they were THAT down for their donuts, though. Reminded me of people who would take a barfing for their seafood…

    …there was this one time my Squad got called to a choking victim at a Red Lobster, and of COURSE the table was in the geographic CENTER of the dining room. The guy was barely moving enough air to be alive, and was unresponsive to the Heimlich or back blows (those were the “things” then, applied by both restaurant staff and us, but I don’t think they call it the Heimlich that any more, or if they EVER called it that up North), but deteriorated while we were on-scene so we had to go a bit further. We had him down on the floor between tables, but the couple at the next table, instead of leaving or looking away, just had the one on OUR side of the table move around to the OTHER side, plate and all, and they sat there looking at the show like it was a frigging basketball game and they were in the bleachers, and kept on eatin. Cheap dinner theatre!

    …We did finger sweeps, which ususally isn’t great to do with a fully conscious patient if you want to keep your fingers but is faster than trying to visualize and is good for a first attempt, and got lucky and got ahold of some piece of one of Poseidon’s children, and yanked it out. It was kind of long and rubbery, maybe a bit of a grilled fillet or something, and was pretty slimy from the spit and mucous and all, and the guy started breathing, then horking because of all the foregoing, so we turned him to spray under the table and not aspirate it prior to packaging and moving out.

    And NO ONE LEFT.


    …I mean, I had other things to do so didn’t really evaluate the crowd that closely, but at a glance, some wincing and gagging was probably the most I saw, but forks kept moving and conversaters kept conversating, although their was a brief round of applause when the guy became more animate even though it was to barf.

    And it wasn’t like it didn’t SMELL like barf, either, super FISHY barf, the kind that permeates into your clothes, your hair, EVERYTHING, but the place was PACKED, so there wasn’t another table anyone could move to. Maybe they asked for “GO” boxes or something, but wasn’t NO one MOVING. Perhaps the fact the place had a liquor license and the table was close to the in-restaurant bar helped, I don’t know.

    Even after we packaged the guy on the cot on oxygen and started rolling him out, we had to ASK folks to get out of the way, because the tables were pretty close together (this was WAYYYY pre-COVID). No one seemed to have the spontaneous sense to MOVE out of the way of the guy who almost recently died eating the same thing THEY were or his panicky wife, ’cause those cheezy biscuits were to DIE for, I suppose, although personally I found that the smell of cheezy biscuits went pretty BADLY with fish barf, and believe ME, I’ve smelled a LOT of barf in MY time, and this was pretty close to BLOOD barf for sheer odoriferousness…

    …I don’t know what happened with the barf under the table. Cleanup wasn’t MY job, again I had better things to do.

    Thank God.

    I hope someone cleaned it up before they seated the next guy, though.

    But given what I know about Red Lobster, I never COULD be sure…

  9. Toenex, that is why mandatory mask laws must be fought tooth and nail. Private businesses are much more flexible in changing their rules as the situation changes and the customers speak. Laws never change, and government goalposts never stop moving. We have a Governor in Georgia who gets it, thank god.

  10. If the store wants to require shoes, a mask, or green pants as a condition of conducting business, it is their right to do so.
    Additionally, some don’t seem to understand that, under these ridiculous mask mandates, the business owner can be fined/shut down if the Mask Police get wind of any violations. Hey – if you don’t like their rules, go somewhere else, but don’t be a dick and demand they change their rules. And don’t complain if you get a face-full of pepper spray once the police give you a legal command to leave and you refuse to comply. We’ve got a whole country of liberals right here that do crap like that, and it’s getting quite sickening.

  11. Modern NAZIs doing what NAZIs in 1937 Germany did to Jews who refused to wear yellow stars. Forcing everyone to wear masks that do not stop viruses is preparation for getting everyone open for more invasive communism. Welcome to the end times and the mark of the beast. The words mark and mask are only separated by one letter.

  12. He wasn’t asked if he had a reason not to wear one (or proof) and the last cop who showed wasn’t wearing one. lol. Let him have his coffee and show his ass out and fine him outside. The Horton’s can put a picture of the bad ape on front door ala Waterboy. lol

  13. Imagine how that behavior looks to city dwellers who live in each other’s armpits and have spent a season losing older relatives to covid. Not a smart look for conservatives – at least the idiot rulers of the blue regions act polite while doing stupid stuff.

  14. No one is telling you not to wear a mask, Jo blo.
    Do you wear goggles, too? Do you go out? Do you wear gloves?
    Does your dog or cat wear a mask? Are you about 70 years old?
    If it’s a problem, if you’re afraid, stay home. No one would blame you.

  15. @ Thirdtwin JULY 22, 2020 AT 1:01 PM

    Lowe’s is my go to home center from this point forward. They have been good here all through this bullshit. McClendon’s can forget about me ever shopping there in the future. Homo Depot here locally is cleaning up their act, they were not worth even going to with Lowe’s right across the street. But they seem to have cleaned up their act some recently. The one in Great Falls was fine.

    And I’m with Nate, don’t be a dick about it, just leave.

  16. I happened to visit two Walmarts today. They now have a policy requiring masks at all stores nation-wide. I didn’t wear a mask.

    At the first one, I simply walked right in and passed what used to be a greeter and is now a body counter. Our eyes met for a moment but he didn’t say a word, and neither did any of the other employees or any customers. I did my shopping, paid, and left. No comments at all from anybody, much less any confrontation.

    At the second one, the guy at the entrance very politely said to me as I walked toward him something like, “We’re now asking all customers to wear a mask.”

    I replied, “I have a medical condition that prevents me from wearing one,” and kept walking.

    He said, “Oh, OK. Have a nice day.”

    Try the “I have a medical condition” line. It’ll probably work. Then just go about your normal business in a normal way.

  17. BTW — If you have high blood pressure, then you actually DO have a legitimate excuse. Cloth / filter masks raise the CO2 concentration in your blood, and that raises blood pressure.

    Even if I didn’t have a relevant medical condition, I’d lie.


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